

Research and Practice of Writing Feedback in Foreign Trade Correspondence Course Based on the Theory of Mediated Learning Experience
摘要 针对写作反馈缺乏针对性、费时低效的问题,尝试在外贸函电课程中开展英文写作反馈改革研究与实践。基于中介学习经验理论设计的写作反馈活动具有四个特征:反馈重点明确、支架式反馈活动、协作式学习方式和多稿写作。对学生进行的问卷调查结果表明,学生普遍认可写作反馈的效果。 In view of the problems in writing feedback such as the lack of pertinence, time-consuming and poor effect, , a writ-ing feedback reform and practice has been implemented in for-eign trade correspondence course. The reform is based on the theory of mediated learning experience with four characteristics:focused feedback, scaffolding feedback activity, collaborative ap-proach forlearning and multi-draft writing. The questionnaire re-sults indicate that the students generally approved the effect of the new feedback approach.
作者 郭晓丽 李哲
出处 《科教文汇》 2015年第25期69-71,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 第七批中国外语教育基金"基于策略培训的高职英语教学改革与实践"(ZGWYJYJJ2014A63)
关键词 中介学习经验理论 外贸函电 写作反馈 mediated learning experience foreign trade corre-spondence course writing feedback
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