研究基于相关站点智能终端(Smart Terminal Unit,STU)间实时对等通信的分布式控制实现机理。为实现STU间的实时对等通信以及互操作,使用GOOSE(Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event)机制来传输STU间的实时数据以及控制命令。在分析现有GOOSE传输机制的基础上,提出基于TCP协议的GOOSE报文传输方案及提高报文传输实时性的措施。通过OPNET软件搭建仿真模型,验证了所提方案的可行性。仿真结果表明,当网络平均负载率小于40%时,应用TCP协议传输GOOSE报文的平均传输延时约为0.65 ms,且最大值不超过1 ms,可以满足分布式控制对快速报文传输速度的要求。
The mechanism of distributed control based on real-time peer-to-peer communication among smart terminal units (STUs) of related sites is studied.In order to realizing the real-time peer-to-peer communication and interoperability among STUs,object-oriented substation event generic (GOOSE) is used to transmit real-time data and control commands for STUs. In the context of analyzing the existing GOOSE transmission mechanism,the GOOSE transmission scheme based on TCP protocol and measures for improving the real-time of packet transmission is proposed.The feasibility of the proposed scheme is verified by OPNET software.Simulation results show that when the network average loads rate is less than 40% ,the average transmission delay of GOOSE over TCP is about 0.65 ms,and the maximum value is less than 1 ms.This delay can meet the need of distributed control for fast message transmission speed.
Shandong Electric Power