
光谱法研究邻菲罗啉锌与DNA的相互作用 被引量:2

Spectroscopic Studies on the Interaction Between Zn(phen)_3^(2+) and Calf Thymus DNA
摘要 在模拟人体生理条件下(pH 7.4),运用荧光光谱和紫外可见吸收光谱研究了邻菲罗啉锌(Zn(phen)2+3)与小牛胸腺DNA(ctDNA)之间的相互作用。研究结果显示,ctDNA对Zn(phen)2+3的荧光猝灭机制属于静态猝灭。根据修正的Stern-Vomer方程计算了不同温度下的结合常数,并结合Van′t Hoff方程计算出相应的热力学参数,焓变值(ΔH=-7.029kJ/mol)和熵变值(ΔS=50.631J/(mol·K)表明静电作用力是维持Zn(phen)2+3-ctDNA复合物稳定的主要作用力。此外离子强度实验和KI荧光猝灭实验也证实了Zn(phen)2+3与ctDNA间通过静电作用的方式结合,而不是沟槽作用和嵌插作用。 The interaction between Zn(Ⅱ)-1,10-pheneanthroline(Zn(phen)2+3)and calf thymus DNA(ctDNA)under the simulative physiological conditions(pH7.4)was investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy.The fluorescence data showed that the mechanism of Zn(phen)2+3 quenched by ctDNA was static quenching.The binding constants at different temperatures were calculated by the modified Stern-Vomer equation.The thermodynamic parameters determined by Van′t Hoff equation indicated that electrostatic force played a dominant role in the stability of Zn(phen)2+3-ctDNA complex.In addition,ionic strength experiments and KI experiments corroborated that Zn(phen)2+3and ctDNA were combined by means of electrostatic interaction,rather than the grooves interaction or intercalation interaction.
出处 《化学世界》 CAS CSCD 2015年第9期513-517,共5页 Chemical World
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21173026) 国家大学生创新训练计划项目(104892013019)
关键词 邻菲罗啉锌 小牛胸腺DNA 荧光光谱 紫外吸收光谱 静电作用 Zn(Ⅱ)-1 10-pheneanthroline calf thymus DNA fluorescence spectroscopy UV-vis absorption spectroscopy electrostatic interaction
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