
马铃薯块茎形状基因CAPS标记的开发与验证 被引量:11

Development and Verification of a CAPS Marker Linked to Tuber Shape Gene in Potato
摘要 马铃薯块茎形状(薯形)是选育马铃薯品种尤其是加工品种最重要的性状之一。前人研究表明薯形是由位于第10染色体的单基因Ro控制的,并且圆形对长形为显性。本研究以二倍体马铃薯长薯形基因型10618-01和圆薯形基因型320-02及其213个F1代薯形分离群体为材料,基于马铃薯基因组相关序列信息结合分离群体分组分析法开发标记,获得了一个CAPS标记1137-CAPSVI。利用该标记对53份不同薯形的四倍体马铃薯高代品系进行验证,结果表明该标记的选择准确率达83.02%,进一步的Pearson双侧相关分析显示其相关性达极显著水平,且该标记对圆薯形材料的选择准确率更高,达91.42%。该CAPS标记的获得对于四倍体马铃薯分子标记辅助育种,加速马铃薯品种尤其是加工专用型品种的选育具有重要意义。 Tuber shape is one of the most important traits for potato cultivars especially for the processing varieties. Previous study shows that a single geneRoon chromosome 10 controls most variation for round versus long tuber shape. In this study, based on the potato genome sequence information and bulked segregation analysis strategy, we developed a CAPS marker 1137-CAPSVI using the diploid potato genotypes 320-02, 10618-01 and their 213 F1 tuber shape segregated population. This marker was verified in 53 tetraploid breeding lines with diverse tuber shapes. The results showed that the consistency rate between the marker and tuber shape was 83.02% and the accuracy of the CAPS marker1137-CAPSVI for selecting round tuber shape was up to 91.42%, and the further Pearson correlation analysis result showed that the marker was significantly correlated with tuber shape. The CAPS marker provides a basis for molecular marker-assisted selection in potato breeding especially for processing variety.
出处 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1529-1536,共8页 Acta Agronomica Sinica
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2013AA102603)资助
关键词 马铃薯 薯形 标记开发 分子标记辅助育种 Potato Tuber shape Marker development Molecular marker-assisted breeding
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