
便携式反坦克导弹弹道成型制导律设计 被引量:1

Trajectory Shaping Guidance Law Design for Portable Anti-tank Missile
摘要 针对飞行速度快速时变的便携式反坦克导弹制导控制问题,应用最优控制原理,提出了一种考虑导弹速度快速变化的改进弹道成型制导律。采用超前滞后环节进行时变过载自动驾驶仪设计;基于最优控制理论推导了广义弹道成型制导律和扩展弹道成型制导律,针对便携式导弹速度快速时变的特性,设计了包含时变速度信息的弹道成型制导律,并结合工程实际讨论了参数选择方法;最后进行了仿真对比和验证。仿真结果表明,该文提出的包含时变速度信息的弹道成型制导律能够满足武器系统的近距击顶作战需求,同时能够满足导弹系统的着角、攻角、框架角、过载等约束。 Aiming at the guidance and control problem of the portable anti-tank missile with fast- varying velocity,an improved trajectory shaping guidance law(TSG)taking into account varying velocity was proposed based on the optimal control theory. The lead-lag controller was designed for the acceleration autopilot of the anti-tank missile. According to the optimal control theory, the generalized TSG and extended TSG were deduced. The improved TSG including the information of the fast varying velocity was designed, and the rule of parameter selection for the improved TSG was discussed. Simulation results show that the improved TSG proposed in this paper can make the missile attack the target from the top in short rang and satisfy the system requirements,as well as the impact angle, the attack angle, frame angle and acceleration con- straints.
出处 《弹道学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期47-53,共7页 Journal of Ballistics
关键词 便携式反坦克导弹 着角 广义弹道成型制导律 最优控制 portable anti-tank missile impact angle generalized trajectory shaping guidance law optimal control
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