
正常人每搏输出量与肺静脉血管容量和左心房容量的相关关系的探讨 被引量:2

The correlation of the stroke volume with pulmonary venous volume and left atrial volume
摘要 目的:从新理论对呼吸调控解释中,肺-动脉血液循环时间直接决定了吸、呼时相从开始到被终止(即吸呼切换)时间,从而形成呼吸节律和频率。但相关研究甚少,使用肺CT扫描和心脏CTA造影对同一个人进行肺静脉血管容量、左心房容量及每搏输出量多项测定,分析其相关关系以探讨循环时间对呼吸的调控。方法:按我们近期建立肺CT扫描进行全肺血管(≥0.06 mm)高精度三维立体成像技术处理后,估算肺静脉血管容量和心脏CTA造影数据经过计算机软件分析处理,计算左心房容量和每搏输出量。将三者进行相关关系分析,推算肺-循环时间。结果:5例正常志愿者的全肺和肺血管的总容量3486±783(2156-4418)ml,肺血管容量141±20(105-163)ml,估算肺静脉血管容量71±10(52-81)ml;左心房容量是97±39(53-165)m L,每搏输出量是86±16(60-106)ml。肺静脉血管容量和左心房容量之和大约是每搏输出量2.0±0.3(1.7-2.4)倍;其中肺静脉血管容量略小于每搏输出量(0.8±0.1),而左心房容量略大于每搏输出量(1.1±0.4)。结论 :推算的肺-动脉时间约为三次心跳。 Objective: The same person's pulmonary venous blood volume, left atrial volume and stroke volume were measured by lung CT scans and cardiac CT angiography (CTA) . Then their relationships were analyzed in order to investigate the mechanism of breathing control. Methods: As we described before, full pulmonary vascular (-0.6mm) volume was accurately calculated by three-dimensional imaging technology from lung CT scan; left atrial volume and stroke volume of left ventricle were calculated from the CTA data. Then the relationships among them were analyzed for estimation of the lung-artery time. Results: The total volume of lung and pulmonary vascular blood was 3486±783 (2156-4418) ml, and the pulmonary vascular blood volume was 141±20 (105-163) ml. The estimated pulmonary venous volume was 71±10 (52-81) ml. Left atrial volume at the end diastolic was 97±39 (53-165) ml, Stroke volume of left ventricle was 86±16 (60-106) mlo Pulmonary venous volume and the left atrial volume were double of stroke volume(1.7-2.4). Conclusion: The estimated lung-artery time was three heart beat.
出处 《中国应用生理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2015年第4期337-340,共4页 Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology
基金 国家自然科学基金医学科学部面上项目(81470204) 国家高新技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题(2012AA021009) 中国医学科学院国家心血管病中心科研开发启动基金(2012-YJR02)
关键词 肺脏CT扫描 肺血管树三维成像 肺血管总容量 肺静脉血管容量 心脏CTA 每搏输出量 左心房容量 心脏三维成像 lung CT scang pulmonary vascular tree three-dimensional imaging the total capacity of the pulmonary vascular: pulmonary vein blood volume cardiac CTA stroke volume left atrial volume heart three- dimensional imaging
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