对2014 年11 月在广西茅尾海近岸35 个站位采集的表层沉积物进行17 种邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)定性、定量分析,研究了茅尾海近岸表层沉积物中PAEs 的化学组成、含量及分布特征.结果从茅尾海近岸表层沉积物中共检出12 种PAEs,分别为DEHP、DBP、DIBP、BBP、DnHP、DIHP、DMP、DUDP、DiPP、DAP、DEP、DMEP;其中nPiPP、DnPP、DINP、DNOP 和DIDP 未检出.PAEs 总含量为7.94-4.28×10^2 ng·kg^-1 之间,平均值为1.23×10^2 ng·kg^-1.茅尾海近岸沉积物中PAEs化学组成以DEHP、DnHP、DIBP、BBP、DBP 为主,平均值分别为64.0、22.6、13.5、11.5、7.32 ng·kg^-1,这5 个组分占检出的12 种PAEs 质量分数97.08%.茅尾海近岸沉积物中PAEs 含量分布呈现西岸高于东岸,地理位置上钦州-康熙岭-茅岭大桥段最高,其次为沙井港-钦州港段,茅岭大桥-龙门段最低.根据该文结果和参照美国土壤PAEs 控制标准,茅尾海近岸沉积物中PAEs 整体污染较轻,潜在生态风险低.
This paper made a research on the surface sediments of Maowei sea in Guangxi province on Nov.,2014. This paper aim to research the distribution and chemical composition of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) by the method of gas chromatography-MS detector (GC-MS). The result shows, 17 kinds of PAEs were determined in the surface sediments, and 12 PAE compounds were detected. They are DEHP, DBP, DIBP, BBP, DnHP, DIHP, DMP, DUDP, DiPP, DAP, DEP, DMEP. The nPiPP, DnPP, DINP, DNOP and DIDP were not detected. The contents of 12 PAE compounds were 7.94~4.28×102ng·kg-1, with the average of 1.23×102ng·kg-1. During the 17 kinds of PAEs, the main ingredients of Maowei sea were DEHP, DnHP, DIBP, BBP and DBP, the average content were 64.0 , 22.6, 13.5, 11.5, 7.32 ng·kg-1. They account for PAEs content of 97.08%. The distribution of PAEs in west coast is higher than the east coast in Maowei Sea littoral. The highest content ofΣPAEs was the Qinzhou-KangXi-MaoLing Bridge zone, and the MaoLing Bridge-LongMen was lowest. According to the result and the American soil PAEs control standards, the slight pollution level of PAEs was obtained in the sediments of Guangxi Maowei sea littoral, and the ecological risk was low.
Ecology and Environmental Sciences