
西方主流媒体对涉恐事件报道的双重标准研究——以昆明暴恐事件和乌尔维奇事件为例 被引量:2

An Analysis of Western Mainstream Media's Double Standards in the reporting of terrorist attack——Taking the Kunming event and the Woolwich Event as Examples
摘要 当今世界,恐怖主义已经成为影响世界和平、社会动荡和威胁全人类安全的一大灾害。在这样的大环境下,大众传媒作为传播信息和引导舆论的媒介,在全球反恐战争中扮演着极其重要的角色。在对涉恐事件的报道中,能在何种程度上符合新闻工作者平衡、真实、客观的标准又衍生了重要的问题。通过对中西方主流媒体关于昆明暴恐事件和乌尔维奇事件的新闻报道的具体分析,可以看出西方主流媒体对两者所采用的报道模式和倾向明显不同,鲜明地表现出他们对涉恐事件报道时所秉持的双重标准。 Terrorism has become a shadow hangs heavily over people all over the world. Under such circumstances, mass media, as the medium that propagating information and guiding consensus, plays an important role in the global war on terror because people always depend on mass media to obtain information. By analyzing Chinese and the Western mainstream media's report about the Kunming event and the Woolwich event, it can be see that the Western mainstream media have applied totally different reporting patterns and tendencies when reporting terrorist events in China and the UK, which clearly indicates their double-standards.
出处 《云梦学刊》 2015年第5期139-145,共7页 Journal of Yunmeng
关键词 昆明暴恐事件 乌尔维奇事件 恐怖主义 双重标准 the Kunming event the Woolwich event terrorism double standards
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