

From Puzzles of Philosophy to Logical Paradoxes——Review of A Study of Paradoxes
摘要 《悖论研究》是一部融科普性、教育性与学术性于一体的专著。作者以宽广的学术视域对最广义理解的"悖论"进行了分门别类的研究。该书是迄今为止对"悖论"搜罗最全、整理最系统、阐释最清晰的一本中文书,开创了悖论研究的新天地。 As an academic book ,A Study of Paradoxes is not only science popularity but also educational. Based on the broadest comprehension of the definition of paradoxes, the author classifies these paradoxes and studies them separately. This book is the most systematic and comprehensive work up to now.
出处 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第3期25-28,共4页 Journal of Yanshan University:Philosophy and Social Science
基金 中国博士后科学基金第54批面上资助项目(2013M542362) 河北省高校学科拔尖人才选拔与培养计划项目(BR2-253)
关键词 科普性 教育性 学术性 矛盾 自指 science popularity educational academic contradiction self-reference
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