
追求教育平等的尝试:小学新学制改革及其影响(1950—1953) 被引量:4

The Attempt to Pursue the Education Equality: The Reform of the New Educational System in Primary School and Its Influence( 1950—1953 )
摘要 1950年至1953年施行的小学新学制改革,以消除初等教育中存在的地域与出身不平等为出发点。但由于改革设计者最初未能考虑到各地教师人才储备情况、资金投入状况、学生素质等方面的差异,教学压力的突然增加使得基层教师意见很大,消极怠工,改革阻力重重,多数学校的教学质量不升反降。以消除不平等为鹄的的学制改革却拉大了不同地区、不同学校间的教育差距,不得不提前终止。然而,新学制的实施从三个方面塑造了新中国的小学教育文化:形成了超越个人义务层面的教育荣誉感;改变并统一了教学方法;重构了师生关系,提升了学校教育的地位。 The new school system reform implemented from 1950 to 1953 was aimed to eliminate the inequality of region and origin in primary education. But as the reform designers failed to consider the differences in the teacher talent pool, capital input conditions, and the students' quality in different regions, the teaching pressure suddenly increased. Therefore the grassroots teachers had objections and slacked off, the reform was confronted with much resistance, and the teaching quality in majority of the schools didn' t rise but fell. The reform of educational sys- tem, aimed to eliminate the inequality, widened the educational gap in different regions and different schools, and had to be terminated. However, the implementation of the new system shaped the new Chinese primary education culture from the three aspects : forming a sense of education honor beyond the personal obligation level; changing and unifying the teaching methods; reconstructing the relationship between teachers and students, and enhancing the status of school education.
作者 张放
出处 《中共党史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期80-91,共12页 CPC History Studies
基金 2014年度上海市"晨光计划"项目"思想与实践:中国共产党对小学教育的革新(1949-1957)"(14CG33)的阶段性成果
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