
A Sociological Study on Mo Yan's Translated Works

A Sociological Studyon Mo Yan's Translated Works
摘要 This essay gives a brief introduction to Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of sociology and attempts to analyze its three core concepts–field,capital and habitus as well as their applications in translation.By finding out the main factors that led to the widespread and popularity of Frog(the English version of Watranslated by Howard Goldblatt),the author tries to give some suggestions on how contemporary and modern Chinese literature can be internationalized. This essay gives a brief introduction to Pierre Bourdieu' s theory of sociology and attempts to analyze its three core concepts - field, capital and habitus as well as their appfications in translation. By finding out the main factors that led to the widespread and populaxity of Frog ( the English version of Wa translated by Howard Goldblatt) , the author tries to give some suggestions on how contemporary and modern Chinese literature car be internationalized.
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期313-318,共6页 Academics
关键词 社会学 翻译 作品 场理论 霍华德 LED 国际化 sociology field capital habitus Wa Frog internationalized
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