为了解高产玉米品种产量构成三因素对产量影响的相对重要性,采用相关及通径分析法,对宁夏引黄灌区3个不同类型玉米品种的产量及主要产量性状进行统计分析。结果表明:先玉335、正大12和东单60三个玉米品种在宁夏灌区灌溉条件下都具有产量15 000 kg/hm2以上的生产潜力,其中先玉335的高产潜力更大,产量主效最大,其丰产性较好;3个主要性状对产量影响的顺序为有效穗数>千粒重>穗粒数,决策系数分析显示,有效穗数、千粒重对产量的综合作用较大,是产量高低的重要决定因素,增加有效穗数对获得高产至关重要,但在保证一定有效穗数的前提下,提高千粒重也是获得高产的重要途径。提出,在宁夏生态条件下,玉米高产栽培中在保证一定有效穗数的前提下,栽培措施上应以提高千粒重、选择中穗型品种、保持一定穗粒数来达到增产的目的。
In order to find the relative importance of the effect of three factors of yield components on the yields of high-yielding maize varieties, a statistics analysis is made on the yields and main yield straits of 3 different types of maize varieties in the Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia by adopting correlation and path analysis method. The' results show that 3 maize varieties, namely, Xianyu 335, Zhengda 12 and Dongdan 60, all have the yield potential of 15 000 kg/hm^2 under the irrigation condition of Ningxia irrigation area. Among them, Xianyu 335 has a greater high-yielding potential, biggest yield main effect and a good yielding ability. The effects of 3 main straits on the yield can be ranked as follows: effective spike number〉l 000 grain weight〉grain number per spike. The decision factor analysis shows that the effective spike number and 1 000 grain weight have greater comprehensive effects on the yield and are the important factors determining the yield. It is very important to increase the effective spike number for achieving a high yield. But under the condition of guaranteeing certain effective spike number, to increase 1 000 grain weight is also an important approach for achieving a high yield. It is put forward that under the ecological condition of Ningxia, in the high-yielding cultivation of maize, under the prerequisite of guaranteeing certain effective spike number, the main measures to be taken for achieving yield increase should be to upgrade 1 000 grain weight, select middle spike variety and keep certain spike number.
Journal of Ningxia Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology
Correlation analysis
Path analysis
Ningxia Yellow River Irrigation Area