
复杂系统突现研究的新趋势 被引量:1

New Tendency in the Study of the Emergence of Complex Systems
摘要 真实的复杂系统除了整体的层级或非线性的组织,还有子组织和子系统。理解这样的复杂性架构,需要说明在什么规则的作用下,新的系统结构从复杂性的层级中突现?人工生命用变异和稳定的系统过程解释系统结构的突现,从而把达尔文"自然选择"的变异-选择原则当作变异-稳定原则的特例,深化了对复杂系统问题的研究。然而,汇聚技术的出现弱化了自组织作为设计规则的作用,这为复杂系统的突现研究提供了新的视角。 Apart fromthe universal hierarchy or non-linear structure, real complex systems also havesub- structures and sub-systems. To understand its function,we should explain exactly how substructures would emerge from existing larger scale architectures. Artificial lifeimitates the Darwinian natural process of "selecting" genetic variation, takinghis variation-selection principle as a particular case of the variation-stabilization principle, which fits into the bigger picture narration. Additionally, converging technology providesa new prospective for us to look into the problem.
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期8-13,共6页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"基于逻辑视域的认知研究"(项目编号:11AZD056)
关键词 人工生命 复杂系统 突现 自组织繁衍 变异-稳定原则 Artificial life Complex system Emergence Self-reproduction Variation-stabilization principle
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