
旅游资源资本化:演进路径、法律规制与实现机制 被引量:12

Capitalization of Tourism Resources:Evolvement Path,Legal Regulations and Implementation Mechanisms
摘要 构建旅游资源资本化机制是健全国家旅游资源资产管理体制和实行旅游资源有偿使用制度的关键所在,但现有研究缺乏对其内涵的廓清、合法性的诠释与机制的分析。有鉴于此,本文对旅游资源资本化的过程进行深入剖析,以其演进路径研究为切入点,发现旅游资源资产化和资本化过程存在空间并存性和时间继起性,其演进过程伴随着产权的廓清与流转及其经济价值的框定与增值。而且,本文循着物权法理逻辑将旅游资源经营权的法律属性定位于旅游用地使用权,论证得出该用益物权能够依法进行市场化流转,符合国家旅游产业政策导向,使得旅游资源资本化具有合法性和合政策性。进而阐明了旅游资源的资产化实现机制包括所有权、用益物权、担保物权的界定及其经营权价值、游憩价值的评估,其资本化实现机制包括经营权的出租、抵押、转让、入股等方式的流转及其资产证券化。在此基础上,本文为政府推进旅游用地分类管理、优化旅游资源经营权的估价机制与交易市场提供了政策创新启示。 There are several problems in the traditional management mechanism of tourism resources, including unclear definition of property right, excessive low value evaluations and lagging protecting work of tourism resources. With the comprehensively deepen reform in our country, it seems particularly urgent to reform the existing management mechanism of tourism resources with the asset-like and capitalization mode. It is of great importance to implement the regulations that tourism resources should be paid for use. The study on tourism resources capitaliza- tion is an urgent scientific issue with theoretical significance and practical value. However, current studies are lack of analysis about its definition, legitimacy as well as mechanism. Therefore, this paper focuses on legal regulations and implementation mechanism of tourism resources capitalization, and dives deeply into the evolutionary process of tourism resources capitalization. The paper is aimed to clarify the route and mechanism under existing legal frame- work, and finally draws the following conclusions. First of all, when scarce tourism resources with clear legal property rights have expected benefits, they become tourism resource assets. When the assets increase their values during the market-based circulation, they become tourism resource capital. Tourism resources asset-like and capitalization processes have a characteristic of space compatibility and they appear in sequence, accompanied by the clarity and transition of property rights as well as the evaluation and increment of economic values. What' s more, ownership rights of state-owned tourism resources can' t be traded as a business, and the fran- chise right of tourism resources hasn' t become a kind of legal rights. However, the owner of tourism resources is a- ble to set up the use right of tourism land whereby his tourism resources are attached. This right is called the fran- chise right of tourism resources by tourism scholars and it can be transferred in the market. The crucial point of tourism resources asset-like and capitalization is about the franchise rights of tourism resources, instead of owner- ship rights which are not for sale. And a series of national policies provide clear and feasible guidance for the evolvement from asset-like to capitalization of tourism resources. Thus, tourism resources asset-like and capitaliza- tion is consistent with related laws and government policies. Moreover, the essence of tourism resource asset-like is to make sure the rights and interests of tourism resource owners are not harmed, realize the economic values of tourism resources preliminarily, and protect and administrate tourism resources effectively. The first implementation mechanism for tourism resource asset-like is the clear defini- tion of the proper right, usufructuary right and guarantee real right of tourism resources. The second is the quantitative assessment of recreational value and franchise right value of tourism resources. By contrast, the essence of tourism resource capitalization is the market-oriented allocation of franchise rights, with a purpose of increasing the possibility of transition and value-added as well as realizing the economic value of tourism resources completely. The first implementation mechanism for tourism resource capitalization is the circula- tion of franchise rights of tourism resources by means of leasing, mortgaging, transferring or sharing. The second is the asset securitization of tourism resources. Last but not least, it should be pointed out that some misunderstandings need to be avoided during the process of asset-like and capitalization of tourism resources. Only in this way can we develop new tourism resources on the prem- ise of protection of tourism resources. On the one hand, current asset securitization model of tourism resources only applies to artificial tourism resources, and it' s legal to transfer the franchise right of tourism resources with usufructu- ary right attribute. On the other hand, the franchise right of tourism resources with obligatory right attribute should be combined transfer with the corresponding use right of tourism land in order to avoid loss of state-owned assets.
作者 周春波 李玲
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期125-135,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"文化演出产业与旅游产业融合战略研究"(15CGL034) 国家社会科学基金青年项目"基于法律关系视角的公共资源类景区出让收益合理共享机制研究"(13CGL080) 宁波市软科学研究计划项目"宁波文化创意产业集群发展动力 模式 路径与政策研究"(2015A10050)
关键词 旅游资源 资本化 演进路径 法律规制 实现机制 tourism resource capitalization evolvement path legal regulations : implementation mechanism
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