
制度理论在国内战略管理学中的应用现状评估 被引量:1

The Literature Review of Institutional Theory in Chinese Strategic Management Research Field
摘要 本文根据发表于42种国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部认定的重要期刊和管理类CSSCI来源期刊(2014—2015)上的82篇有关制度理论的战略管理研究成果,使用文献计量分析和内容分析法,分析了基于制度理论的国内战略管理学研究现状,结果发现,相关研究群体分布甚广,同一研究机构的研究内容趋同;研究领域聚焦在战略过程和公司战略两个领域,且研究内容主要集中在制度作为前因对企业多元化及其方式、企业社会责任、创新与创业、企业高管与战略、品牌沟通五个方面;通过问卷调查、运用回归分析和因子分析是国内学者撰写实证型论文的主流方法;在研究特定企业类型的论文中,研究单一特定行业或行业企业的论文最多;从2006年开始,关于制度理论的论文数量逐年增长;研究关注到了制度理论对企业多元化及其方式的影响。最后,本文针对基于制度理论的国内战略管理学研究发展方向,提出了建议。 This paper searches these papers relevant with institutional theory in Chinese strategic management field from 42 considered important kinds of management academic journals, and defines 82 papers as the study sample, and uses bibliometrics and content analysis to summary the situation of institutional theory in Chinese strategic management from eight aspects as follows: published trend, scholar groups, paper type, theory, research field, study method, research status and research contents. We obtain the following six results. ( 1 ) From the number of papers published, the current number of research papers has shown a steady upward trend, and we predict that there are steadily increasing in institutional theory of Chinese strategic management field in the future. (2) There is not more focus on the trend, i.e. widely distributed. In the other words, there are 29 scholars who have published twice more papers. But from the study population of institution point of view, the papers have mainly published in the South China University of Technology, Nankai University, Xi' an Jiaotong University and Peking University and other famous universities and research institutions, and it should be noted that the same research institution has more convergence on research content. (3) From the research area, theme and content point of view, it focuses on strategy process and corporate strategy, and research contents are essentially concentrate on following five aspects, namely enterprise diversification and its ways, corporate social responsibility, innovation and entrepreneurship, business executives and strategy, and brand about institution as antecedent, which means still infancy about institu- tional theory has applied in strategic management research in China. (4) From the keywords and its' using fre- quency perspective, most of the keyword is listed only once, and there exists a large number of low-frequency key- word which has showed that the current diversity of Chinese strategic management research based on the institutional theory of the issues involved. However, there are also illustrated that the core conceptions and constructions have not reached an agreement with the Western mainstream strategic management fields among Chinese domestic schol- ars. Therefore, it also means that the use of the institutional theory is still in its infancy in Chinese strategic man- agement research community. (5) From the institution as the research design elements point of view, there are in- cluding five types : First, there considers the institution as an antecedent, which is belonged to the stream of institu- tion has an impact on the behavior of corporate strategy and performance. Second, there considers institution as a moderated variable, to study the differences between corporate strategic behavior relationships under different insti- tutional context of research. Third, there considers institution as a context to discuss and compare new features of Enterprise Strategic Behavior. Fourth, there are some few studies is belonged to the stream of the process for the in- stitutionalization that the institution evolution in different periods on how it affects the behavior of corporate strategy. Finally, there exist some researches about the same research questions using different theoretical framework. (6) Empirical paper is written mainly through questionnaire investigation, regression analysis and factor analysis by do- mestic scholars. We suggest that Chinese scholars in strategic management can enhance the quality of their research by doing the following. ( 1 ) Do not simply follow the "trendy" topics and Western research paradigms ; (2) Choose research questions that are closely related to management phenomena in practice; (3) Build new theories based on a thor- ough understanding of existing theories ; (4) Apply multi-disciplinary approaches in theory building, and (5) Use multiple methods in design and capture the multilevel nature of management questions. We hope our paper will help improve the quality of strategic management research in China.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期188-199,共12页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"地方市场分割制度环境对企业跨区域市场进入模式选择的影响与作用机理研究"(71102052) 国家自然科学基金项目"基于管理认知视角的制度环境不确定性及其对企业纵向整合模式影响机制研究"(71402055) 教育部人文社会科学基金项目"母国制度约束对中国民营企业OFDI进入模式选择的影响机制:基于社会关系网络视角"(15YJAZH083)
关键词 制度理论 战略管理 文献计量分析 内容分析法 institutional theory strategic management bibliometrics analysis content analysis
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