
伪狂犬病毒人工感染小鼠模型的建立 被引量:6

Establishment a mouse model for pseudorabies virus infection
摘要 为建立伪狂犬病毒(PRV)人工感染小鼠的模型,本研究采用PRV强毒株接种猪、羊及小鼠,疫苗株接种小鼠,应用组织病理技术观察PRV人工感染不同动物导致的组织病变。以1×10^2~4.5×10^4TCID50不同梯度剂量PRv强毒株通过滴鼻或皮下接种途径人工感染小鼠,6×10^4~2.7×10^5TCID50不同剂量疫苗株皮下接种小鼠,统计各人工感染剂量下小鼠存活率。感染PRV动物脑部病理切片经苏木素.伊红(HE)染色观察,结果显示PRV强毒株及疫苗株接种小鼠后与PRV感染猪、羊后出现相似病理变化,均可导致炎性细胞的浸润及大脑实质内小胶质细胞的增殖。免疫组化染色表明PRV可以感染小鼠脑组织。本研究最终采用小鼠作为实验动物,应用PRV疫苗株,采用1×10^5TCID50剂量通过皮下注射接种小鼠,在接种后6d观察病变。该实验模型为进一步研究PRV感染小鼠后的天然免疫机制提供了实验依据。 To establish an animal model for pseudorabies virus(PRV) infection, the PRV virulent strain and vaccine strain were used to inoculate pigs, goats and mice. The histopathology changes were used to evaluate the brain lesions in mouse and large animals. Different doses and routes were performed in this study and the survival rates were calculated. Histopathogenic examinations showed the appearance of numerous microglia and infiltration of inflammatory cells in infected mouse brains staining with HematoXylin-Eosin, and the same results were also found in pigs and goats. The immunohistochemistry assay showed the positive signal of the PRV distributing to the mouse brain. The goats and pigs as experimental animals infected with PRV artificially cost high, so the mice were finally choozed. The PRV vaccine strain at 1×10^5 TCID50 dose were finally used, and 6 days post subcutaneous inoculation , the pathological changes were examed. This model would facilitate to study the pathogenesis of PRV infection.
出处 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期742-745,共4页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
基金 兽医生物技术国家重点实验室(SKLVBP201314)
关键词 伪狂犬病毒 人工感染 小鼠模型 pseudorabies virus inoculate mouse model
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