
Experimental and Numerical Studies of Paraguayan Chaco Natural Gas in a Counterflow Diffusion Flame

Experimental and Numerical Studies of Paraguayan Chaco Natural Gas in a Counterflow Diffusion Flame
摘要 Combustion is a chemical phenomenon in which a multitude of elementary chemical reactions take place, resulting in the overall process of fuel oxidation. Natural gas fuel has been explored for a few decades and extracted for a few years in the region of Paraguayan Chaco, near Bolivia border. Currently, natural gas is not very important in Paraguay's energy matrix, however it could be in the near future if higher volumes are extracted and transported to the most populated cities, specially to the capital. In order to improve Paraguayan natural gas combustion performance, an understanding of its fundamental properties and the combustion pathways is required. This study presents new data for Paraguayan Chaco natural gas combustion in a laminar counterflow diffusion flame configuration at atmospheric pressure. Visible chemiluminescence of excited radicals CH* and C2^* is employed experimentally. 1D numerical simulation was carried out using Paraguayan Chaco natural gas chemical composition and a standard kinetic mechanism, to which we added CH* and C] reactions. Typical flame structures resulting from simulation are presented and a validation of the model is realized comparing experimental and numerical CH* and C~ radicals profiles.
机构地区 Facultad de Ingenieria
出处 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2015年第9期369-375,共7页 数学和系统科学(英文版)
关键词 Natural gas COUNTERFLOW diffusion flames numerical simulation kinetic modeling CHEMILUMINESCENCE 一维数值模拟 天然气燃料 比较实验 扩散火焰 巴拉圭 逆流 燃烧性能 化学反应
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