
顾客导向、竞争者导向、市场知识与新产品开发——基于产品创新性的差异比较研究 被引量:11

Customer Orientation, Competitor Orientation, Market Knowledge and New Product Development: Differences Comparative Study Based on Product Innovativeness
摘要 考察了顾客导向、竞争者导向和市场知识对我国制造业企业新产品开发绩效的驱动机制,并探索了产品创新性在上述驱动机制间的影响差异。基于对中国15个省12个高新技术行业的196家制造业企业的问卷调查,实证发现顾客导向和市场知识对新产品竞争优势及企业财务绩效具有正向作用,但这种作用机制会受到产品创新性的调节效应影响。当企业开发渐进性创新产品时,顾客导向对市场知识广度以及市场知识对新产品竞争优势的驱动作用更为显著,此时企业应推行低成本竞争战略。当企业开发突破性创新产品时,顾客导向对市场知识深度的驱动效应更为显著,此时企业应推行差异化竞争战略,而竞争者导向对新产品竞争优势的作用机制仅对渐进性创新产品开发有效。 The paper explores the relationship among customer orientation, competitor orientation, market knowledge, product innovativeness and their dynamic fit mechanism for the performance driven effects of new product development by Chinese firms. We collect survey data from 196 new products developed by high-tech firms in China to test our model. The sampiing frame consisted of firms located at 15 Chinese provinces in the 12 industries. The results show that the NPD driven mechanism of customer orientation, competitor orientation and market knowledge are contingent depends on the product innovativeness. In the high product innovativeness group, customer orientation, competitor orientation and market knowledge are positive and significant to the new product performance, while those effects get the partial support from the low product innovatlveness group
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期89-99,共11页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目(2014M560184)
关键词 顾客导向 竞争者导向 市场知识 新产品开发 产品创新性 customer orientation competitor orientation market knowledge new product development product innovativeness
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