Lake wetlands provide humans with a great diversity of ecosystem services which are necessary for maintaining basic human needs and sustaining development in China. However, lake wetland resources nationwide are under great exploitation and utilization, which are signifi- cantly impairing the capacity of lake wetlands to provide the diversity of ecosystem services neces- sary to support human well-being. Implementing dynamic lake wetland ecosystem services monito- ring can help minimize ecosystem services double-counting and promote ecosystem services man- agement practices. In this paper, we identified the necessary requirements for lake wetland eco- system services monitoring and then analyzed the principles and perspectives for selecting monito- ring indicators to measure lake wetland ecosystem services. We present a set of ecosystem services monitoring indicators (including final ecosystem services and relevant ecosystem characteristics) to advance dynamic ecosystem services valuation, trade-offs analyses, and the creation of ecologi- cal production functions in China. Final ecosystem services are biophysical outcomes which are of obvious and clear relevance to human well-being. Ecosystem characteristics are attributes of eco-systems measured as ecosystem structures, processes, and functions. Provisioning and cultural services are often final services while most regulating (i.e., ecosystem functions) and supporting services (i.e., ecosystem processes) are intermediate services. In order to overcome the signifi- cant challenge in credible evaluation of regulating and cultural services, and double-counting in valuing regulating services, we propose scientists focus on establishing a lake wetland monitoring program to measure final ecosystem service indicators and relevant ecosystem characteristics metrics as a first step. We also discuss how to combine macro-monitoring and local monitoring methods to monitor lake wetland ecosystem services across multiple scales. Our study is important to help acquire the necessary data to create ecological production functions to improve efforts on economic valuation by revealing the dynamic change of ecosystem services, and to effectively quantify the trade-offs among different stakeholders. Monitoring programs are critical to moving lake wetland ecosystem services from scientific theory into management practices.
Chinese Journal of Ecology
lake wetlands
final ecosystem services
ecological characteristics