
区域职业教育一体化:理论发展与实践取向 被引量:1

The Integration of Regional Vocational Education:Theory Development and Practice Orientation
摘要 区域职业教育一体化是区域经济一体化重要基础和应有之义。学界有关区域职业教育一体化的理论研究,经历了关注区域科学、关注区域经济一体化、关注府际协议以及关注职业教育合作等四个主要阶段。国内外实践表明,推进区域职业教育一体化可有效利用各类职业教育资源,提升区域人力资本存量,并引导人力资源依据市场规则实现合理流动,促进区域经济发展。当前,国内外推进区域职业教育一体化进程呈现出合作政策指向化、合作基础特色化、合作行为自主化、合作目的市场化、合作协议法制化等实践取向。 The integration of regional vocational education is an important foundation and proper meaning for regional economic integration. Academic studies on theory of regional vocational education integration, which has gone through four major phases including focus on regional science, focus on regional economic integration, focus on intergovernmental agree-recur, focus on occupation education cooperation. The practice at home and abroad has proved that promoting the integration of regional occupation education can make all kinds of occupation education resources be used effectively, enhance the stock of regional human caption, guide the human resources to achieve a reasonable flow according to the market rules, and promote the development of regional economy. Now, the process of promoting the integration of regional occupation education is taking on a variety of practice orientation, which contain the useful guide of cooperation policy, the characteristics of collaborative basis, the independent cooperative behavior, the marketization of cooperative purpose, and the statutory control of cooperative agreements.
出处 《未来与发展》 2015年第9期69-74,共6页 Future and Development
基金 河北省教育厅人文社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目<京津冀职业教育一体化研究>(ZD201418) 秦皇岛市社科联委托课题<京津冀协同发展背景下河北省职业教育发展策略研究>(2014WT006) 河北省人力资源社会保障合作课题<京津冀职业培训一体化促进机制研究>(JRSHZ-2015-01067)
关键词 区域职业教育一体化 理论 实践 The integration of regional vocational education, theory, practice
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