

High-temperature Shilov-type methane conversion reaction: Mechanistic and kinetic studies
摘要 传统的Shilov反应是以Pt Cl2作为催化剂在水溶液中实现甲烷转化的,该反应的条件温和,在低至80°C时即可将甲烷中非常稳定的C–H键活化.然而,如果将反应温度提高达100°C以上,催化剂Pt(II)则非常容易发生歧化反应转化为Pt(0)或者Pt(IV),其中Pt(0)将会以沉淀的形式存在于反应溶液中.所以该反应只能在较低的温度进行,Shilov体系也只能得到较低的甲烷转化率,因此如何避免高温时催化剂因沉淀失活成为了提高反应转化率的研究重点.本文重点考察了高温条件下Shilov体系的反应机理和反应动力学,从而寻求提高催化体系活性和稳定性的途径.我们在特殊设计的金管反应器中进行了一系列的H/D置换实验,通过GC根据产物不同的分子量来分析检测.实验中,利用特殊设计的金管反应器可将反应压力增加到25.5 MPa,此时甲烷的溶解度与常温条件下(~60°C)相比可被提高1000倍以上,因此甲烷的转化率大大提高.在高温(~200°C)条件下的Shilov体系的水溶液中添加了CD3COOD,F3COOD,D2SO4,DCl和一系列阳离子为[1mim]+的离子液体来考察它们对催化剂沉淀的抑制作用,结果发现,在140°C时添加30%CD3COOD可在少量催化剂存在的条件下就能够明显促进H/D交换,与Shilov的结论吻合.这可能是由于CD3COO基团的螯合作用造成的,但将反应温度升到150°C时则不可避免的生成了Pt(0)沉淀.而F3COOD却在较多催化剂的条件下仍未表现出明显作用,可能是因为F较强的亲电子性使得F3COO基团的螯合作用变弱所致.在140°C时,D2SO4和DCl均能有效抑制Pt(0)沉淀的生成,尤其是DCl,在185°C反应24 h后仍能够稳定水溶液中的Pt基催化剂,但是在该条件下D2SO4却并没有作用.我们还发现,Cl–的浓度与沉淀的抑制直接相关,浓度越高对Pt基催化剂的稳定作用越强,但质子浓度的增加则对沉淀现象没有太大影响,我们推断原因是大量的Cl-能够在[Pt Cl6]2–的共同作用下将Pt(0)重新转化为了[Pt Cl6]2–.在140°C进行反应时,各类离子液体的添加能够使Pt(0)沉淀得到抑制,但是对H/D交换率却没有影响,可能是因为离子液体与Pt基催化剂螯合形成了Pt-离子液复合物而削弱了催化活性.在此基础上,我们特别考察了Cl–浓度对催化剂沉淀的影响,发现在200°C时将Cl-浓度提高到一定程度,就能够完全抑制Pt(0)的生成,但Pt基催化剂的活性也会被同时削弱.由于高压金管反应器的应用和高浓度Cl–的添加,使得甲烷的转化率达到90%以上,因此,我们设计了H/D同位素交换实验来考察反应的活性和选择性,从而针对高温Shilov体系的反应动力学进行研究.反应在200°C时进行,催化剂为K2Pt Cl4,反应介质为30%CD3COOD和DCl的水溶液,实验产物中检测到了CH3D,CH2D2,CHD3和CD4四种甲烷的多重氘代同位素体,说明了交换反应中有多个C–H键被活化.在此基础上,为了对甲烷活化过程进行全面描述,我们建立了涵盖所有连锁反应在内的综合反应网络,其中包含了H/D交换过程中涉及到的一系列平行的一级反应,基于实验数据通过阿伦尼乌斯方程计算得到了全部反应的频率因子、活化能和化学计量系数等反应动力学参数.结果证明,由于甲烷中所有的C–H键均相同,因此多重氘代产物的生成在甲烷转化过程中是不可避免的.其中,甲烷的单一氘代反应活化能为29.9 kcal/mol,双重氘代反应活化能为29.8 kcal/mol,两者十分相近,因此甲烷活化后的单一氘代产物的选择性最高不会超过50%. Traditional Shilov reactions (performed in aqueous solution with a PtCl2 catalyst) for methane con-version suffer from catalyst deactivation at high temperatures (> 100 °C), therefore only very low conversion rates have been achieved. In this paper, we show that Shilov-type C–H activations are achievable at much higher temperatures (~200 °C) by addition of concentrated aqueous solutions of Cl? to inhibit Pt catalyst precipitation. Various chloride-based ionic liquids also stabilized the Pt catalyst at mild reaction temperatures (~140 °C). Under high-pressure conditions (> 25.5 MPa), achieved using a specially designed sealed gold-tube reactor, very high methane conversion rates (> 90%) were obtained; this is attributed to the improved methane solubility in aqueous solution. Deuterium isotope (H/D) exchange between methane and water was used to examine the reaction reactivity and selectivity. Multiply D-substituted products were observed, indicating that multiple C–H activations occurred. A comprehensive network reaction that included all the chain reactions was set up to clarify the reactivities and product selectivities of the methane activation reactions. The reaction network consisted of a series of parallel first-order reactions, which can be described by the Arrhenius equation. The kinetic parameters such as the frequency factor, activation energies, and stoichiometric coefficients were obtained by fitting the experimental data. Because all four C–H bonds in a methane molecule are equivalent, multiple substitutions during methane conversion cannot be avoided. Our studies indicate that mono-substituted and di-substituted methane isotopo-logue generations have similar activation energies, suggesting that the highest mono-substitution selectivity cannot be greater than 50%.
出处 《催化学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1777-1784,共8页
基金 partially supported by US Department of Energy(DE-EE0003461) financially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,2012CB215303)~~
关键词 Shilov反应 催化剂失活 反应机理和动力学 活性和选择性 氘-同位素置换 Shilov reaction Catalyst deactivation Reaction mechanism and kinetics Reactivity and selectivity Deuterium-isotope exchange
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