
一个类病变水稻的遗传分析及基因定位 被引量:1

The Inheritance of a Lesion Mimic Rice Line and Mapping of Its Lesion Mimic Gene
摘要 为了弄清一个水稻种质类病变性状的发生特点并探明其类病变的遗传特征,以一个籼型地方水稻品种抗白油占为研究对象,采取症状观察、遗传分析及基因定位等方法,结果发现:其于孕穗期开始在植株中部叶片上出现褐色斑点,早晚季种植均出现;遗传分析表明,其类病变由隐性单基因控制,暂命名为lm-(t),并通过SSR和In Del标记将该基因定位于水稻11号染色体长臂。目前,11号染色体上尚未见相关基因的报道,该基因可能是一个新的类病变基因。 To know the appearance of lesion mimic in a rice accession and understand the inheritance of its le-sion mimic,Kangbaiyouzhan (Kbyz),an indica rice landrace,was researched in this study.Lesion observation,ge-netic analysis and gene mapping were applied in this study.It was found that Kbyz showed brown lesions firstly on middle leaves of the plants from booting stage,no matter it was planted at early season or late season.By genetic a-nalysis,its lesion phenotype was found to be controlled by a single recessive gene,named lm-(t)tentatively,which was further mapped on the long arm of chromosome 1 1 using SSR and InDel markers.No genes response for rice le-sion mimic are reported from chromosome 1 1 thus far,the gene in this study may be a novel lesion mimic gene.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期8-12,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家"863计划"项目(2012AA101201) 超级稻新品种选育与示范推广项目(112003) 广东省科技计划项目(2011A020102004)
关键词 水稻 类病变 遗传分析 基因定位 Rice Lesion mimic Genetic analysis Gene mapping
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