
低碳导向的校园能源碳核算方法及应用 被引量:12

Low-carbon Oriented Methodology of Energy-related Carbon Accounting and Its Application in Campus
摘要 研究综合了政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)、世界资源研究所(WRI)和青年应对气候变化行动网络(CYCAN)等机构的研究成果,建立了适用于国内的校园能源碳核算方法,以上海市某大学为例进行了能源碳排放分析.结果显示2004—2012年该校的碳排放量呈增长趋势,年均增长率为5.75%;2012年CO2排放达41 112t,其中电力和汽油碳排放分别占68.7%和25.0%.国内外低碳校园对比结果显示,整体可行的低碳校园建设计划的制定和落实,很可能是发达国家高校低碳建设成果显著的主要原因;重新审视低碳校园内涵,认为校园低碳应是相对自身的低碳,是一种持续改进、高能效运行的状态;在能源碳核算分析的基础之上,提出了低碳校园管理策略. In this research, the achievements of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), World Resources Institute (WRI) and China Youth Climate Action Network (CYCAN) are integrated to develop a new method on energy-related carbon accounting in campus, which is then applied to the analysis of energy-related carbon emissions in one of the universities in Shanghai. The result shows an increasing trend of carbon emissions from 2004 to 2012, with an average annual growth rate of 5.75%. Carbon emission in 2012 was 41 112 ton CO2-eq, in which, electricity-related and gasoline-related emissions accounted for 68.7 % and 25.0 % respectively. This study compares the low-carbon campus constructions in China with those abroad and points out that the integral and achievable low-carbon planning in western countries is likely to lead to a significant decrease of CO2 emissions. Therefore, low-carbon in campus is redefined as a lower-carbon condition with continuously improvement and high energy efficiency compared to the baseline condition. A low-carbon campus managing strategy is proposed based on energy-related carbon accounting analysis.
作者 郭茹 田英汉
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1361-1366,共6页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(41301647) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(0400219275)
关键词 气候变化 低碳校园 能源碳核算 碳排放分析 低碳管理策略 climate change low-carbon campus energy-related carbon accounting carbon emission analysis low-carbon managing strategy
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