
固定正畸治疗患者矫治前后错牙合畸形严重程度与患者满意度的相关性研究 被引量:4

Fixed orthodontic treatment of malocclusion deformity associated with the severity of patients′satisfaction of patients before and after treatment
摘要 目的研究固定正畸治疗患者矫治前后错牙合畸形严重程度与患者满意度的相关性。方法选取2013年6月至2014年12月在我院口腔科治疗的92例固定正畸治疗患者为研究对象,应用正畸患者满意度调查表对患者进行问卷调查,探讨矫治前后错牙合畸形严重程度与患者满意度的相关性。结果治疗后患者面部畸形严重程度评分均显著高于治疗前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);男性患者在社会交往方面的期望显著高于女性患者,而总体健康期望则显著低于女性患者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。2组患者在口腔功能、自我形象两方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。患者满意度与医师处理、推荐他人治疗、综合满意、牙齿现状、再次治疗、矫正时间、矫正费用等项目均呈明显正相关性(P<0.05)。结论同等严重程度的错牙合畸形经过不同的医疗服务环节,患者满意度会有差别,只有从患者本人出发,制定个性化的"治疗与服务计划",才是提高患者满意度的根本保障。 Objective To explore the orthodontic treatment of malocclusion deformity associated with the severity of patients&#39;satisfaction of patients before and after treatment .Methods Selected 2013‐6 to 2014‐12 treat‐ment in the department of stomatology in our hospital ,92 cases of fixed orthodontic patients as the research ob‐ject ,through the satisfaction of patients were measured before and after the intervention in patients with malocclu‐sion severity and every medicalservice link survey ,to explore the correlation between malocclusion severity and pa‐tient satisfaction before and after treatment.Results After treatment of patients with facial malformation severity scores were significantly higher than that before treatment ,the difference was statistically significant ( P〈0.05);male patients in the aspects of social interaction is significantly higher than that of female patients with expecta‐tions ,and the overall health of expectation is significantly lower than the female patients ,the difference was sta‐tistically significant ( P〈0.05) .Two groups of patients with oral function ,there is no significant difference in two aspects of self image ( P〉0.05) .Satisfaction with physicians ,patients ,comprehensive treatment satisfac‐tion ,recommend other teeth status ,treatment again ,time correction ,correction of cost project was significantly positive correlation ( P〈0.05) .Conclusion The same severity of malocclusion deformity after different aspects of medical services ,patients satisfaction will be different ,only from the perspective of the patient ,the develop‐ment of personalized&quot;treatment and service plan&quot;,is the important guarantee to improve the satisfaction of pa‐tients.
出处 《山西医药杂志》 CAS 2015年第18期2123-2125,共3页 Shanxi Medical Journal
基金 深圳市龙华新区科技计划(2013079)
关键词 病人满意度 固定正畸 前后错牙合畸形 Patient satisfaction Fixed orthodontic treatment before and after Malocclusion deformity
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