
人力资本、知识创新与服务业空间集聚——基于省际面板数据的计量分析 被引量:22

Human Capital, Knowledge Innovation and Service Industry Spatial Agglomeration:An Panle Data Analysis Based on Provincial
摘要 选取中国31省份2000—2012年的服务业面板数据,考虑人力资本和知识创新的集聚效应,建立服务业空间集聚的面板计量模型,实证检验人力资本、知识创新与服务业空间集聚之间的经济关系。结果表明:人力资本对当地服务业集聚有着显著的正向促进作用,人力资本要素产生地区比较优势,形成人力资源的蓄水池,服务企业越有可能向该地区集聚,形成优势积累和空间集聚发展;知识创新对当地服务业集聚有着显著的正向促进作用,知识创新的增强,导致在本地区集聚的企业间产生知识和技术的传播、交流,激发企业创新活动,形成区域知识创新外溢效应和集聚效应。研究还发现,经济发展水平、城市化对服务业集聚具有积极影响作用,短期内,工业发展水平对服务业集聚具有促进作用,而从长期来看,过高的工业经济比例对服务业集聚具有挤出效应,对外开放水平和政府干预能力对服务业集聚影响并不显著。 Applying the service industry panel data of 31 provinces in China from 2000 to 2012, considering the spatial agglomeration's effect of human capital and knowledge innovation and establishing the spatial agglomeration panel econometric model of services industry, relationship between human capital, knowledge innovation and service industry spatial agglomeration were empirically studied. The empirical results demonstrated that: Human capital had a significant positive role in promoting local service spatial agglomeration. Human capital produced the regional comparative advantage, formed the reservoir of human resources. Service companies are likely to come to the region, gathering the advantages and developing space cluster. Knowledge innovation also had a positive role in promoting service spatial agglomeration. The enhancement of knowledge innovation resulted in the dissemination of knowledge and technology among enterprises in the region, stimulated business innovation and improved the fomaation of regional knowledge spillovers and agglomeration effects. The results also demonstrated that, economic development and urbanization played positive role in promoting service spatial agglomeration, while opening outward and government intervention did not. Industrial development played different roles between short term and long term.
作者 何永达
机构地区 丽水学院商学院
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期120-125,共6页 Economic Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(13BJY127) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(12YJA790045) 2013年丽水市高层次人才培养资助项目C项目(2013RC16) 2013年浙江省高校中青年学科带头人学术攀登项目(pd2013467)
关键词 人力资本 知识创新 服务业 空间集聚 中国 human capital knowledge innovation service industry spatial agglomeration China
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