

The Clinical Observation of The Effects in The Critical Coronary Heart Disease Patients with Intra-aortic Balloon Pump Supporting using Self-made Salt Bag
摘要 目的:探讨冠心病危重患者置入IABP后使用自制盐袋的效果及优点分析。方法:74例冠心病危重患者行冠状动脉介入治疗并置入IABP后,使用自制盐袋进行股动脉穿刺点压迫止血,观察自制盐袋的压迫效果及自制盐袋较传统沙袋的优点。结果:74例冠心病危重患者行冠状动脉介入治疗并置入IABP后,使用自制盐袋进行股动脉穿刺点压迫,自制盐袋的压迫效果良好,并且自制盐袋相对于传统沙袋有更多的优点。结论:冠心病危重患者置入IABP后,使用自制盐袋压迫止血效果良好,而且具有更多的优点,因此自制盐袋对于动脉穿刺点压迫止血是合理可行的。 Objective:To discuss the effect and advantage analysis about our own salt bag in 74 cases of the severe coronary heart dis-ease patients used intra-aortic ballon pump.Methods:We made the salt bag oppress on femoral artery puncture point in 74 cases of se-vere coronary heart disease patients who accepted coronary artery intervention treatment and used intra-aortic ballon pump, To observe the effect and advantage analysis about our own salt bag comparing the traditional sandbag.Results:In 74 cases of severe coronary heart disease patients who accepted coronary artery intervention treatment and used intra-aortic ballon pump, there was the better oppression effect and more advantages of our own salt bag comparing the traditional sandbag.Conclusion:There was the better oppression effect and more advantages of our own salt bag comparing the traditional sandbag in 74 cases of severe coronary heart disease patients who accepted coronary artery intervention treatment and used intra-aortic ballon pump, therefore, it is feasible about our own the salt bag oppressing on femoral artery puncture point.
出处 《中国伤残医学》 2015年第20期21-22,共2页 Chinese Journal of Trauma and Disability Medicine
关键词 冠心病 主动脉球囊内反搏 自制盐袋 Coronary heart disease Intra-aortic ballon pump Make the salt bag
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