
不同除冰工艺对机场水泥混凝土道面的损伤特性 被引量:5

Damage characteristics of cement concrete pavement for airfield resulted from different de-icing techniques
摘要 进行了热风除冰、乙二醇化学除冰与尿素化学除冰的模拟试验,测试了混凝土试件质量损失和强度降低率,分析了除冰方式与除冰次数对水泥混凝土道面的损伤规律。分析结果表明:热风除冰对试件表层损伤反应较慢,在经过45次冻融循环后才表现出明显的质量损失,但其对试件内部结构损伤却较严重,50次热风除冰后的强度降低超过35%。虽然50次化学除冰后试件的强度降低小于20%,但试件表层的腐蚀性损伤造成的质量损失较显著,尿素的腐蚀所造成的质量损失高达8.5%,比热风除冰的质量损失高5倍以上。可见,为了保持机场道面结构强度,化学除冰要比热风除冰更为合理。为了降低机场跑道混凝土剥落对飞机发动机损害的隐患,宜优先采用热风除冰方式,但须关注其对道面结构强度的影响。 Hot air de-icing and chemical de-icing with ethylene glycol and carbamide were simulated for cement concrete pavement of airfield, the mass loss and strength decrease ratio of each concrete specimen were tested, and the the damage rules of de-icing methods and de-icing numbers on cement concrete pavement were analyzed. Analysis result shows that hot air deqcing slowly damages cement concrete specimen, the distinct mass loss only appears after 45 times hot de-icing, but hot air de-icing severely damages the inside structure, and the strength decrease ratio is more than 35% after 50 times hot air de-icing. Though the strength decrease ratio of cement concrete specimen is less than 20% after 50 times chemical de-icing, but the corrosive mass loss of specimen surface is remarkable, and is 8.5% after 50 times carbamide de-icing and is 5 times greater than the value after hot air de-icing. Therefore, chemical de-icing is more reasonable than hot air de-icing for protecting the structural strength of cement concrete pavement. On the other hand, hot air de-icing is preferred because of considering aeroengine damage induced by concrete spall on airfield runway, but its influence on pavement structural strength should be paid attention to. 1 tab, 13 figs, 18 refs.
出处 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期18-25,42,共9页 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51408598) 中国民航大学机场工程研究基地开放基金项目(JCJD1302)
关键词 机场跑道 水泥混凝土道面 热风除冰 化学除冰 道面损伤 airfield runway cement concrete pavement hot air de-icing chemical de-icing pavement damage
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