About the issue of the revival of Ci poetry in Qing dynasty,most academia seniors thought it associated with the political transition from the Ming dynasty to the Qing dynasty, especially closely related to the writing prison. However, by examining the historical materials of the writing prison in the Qing dynasty, it was found to be not so exaggerating or cruel. Hence it might not directly lead to the revival of Ci poetry in the Qing dynasty. Instead, the revival of Ci poetry in the Qing dynasty might be brought on by the fashion of literati competition with each other and exaggerating accom- plishment. When Chinese classical poetry developed up to the Qing dynasty, pingze and rhythm couldn~ t meet the requirements of literati, but Ci poetr^s metrical phonology was relatively complex and could more commendably display the literati~ s artistic talents. Hence the literati in the Qing dy- nasty developed a strong interest in Ci poetry. And The communication and singing in literary circle directly facilitated the revival Ci poetry in the Qing dynasty.
Journal of Hubei Engineering University
Ci study in the Qing Dynasty
literati interest
literature field
the revival of Ci poetry in Qing Dynasty