目的 分析疑似病毒性肺炎住院患者xTAG呼吸道病毒多重检测技术(xTAG RVP)的检测结果.方法 将2013年1月至2014年12月北京协和医院133例疑似病毒性肺炎住院患者分为中青年组(17 ~ 49岁)42例和中老年组(50~88岁)91例,采集患者的深部痰或支气管肺泡灌洗液,利用xTAG RVP试剂盒对标本进行核酸检测,并对结果进行分析.结果 133例标本中,有50例可以检测出病毒,阳性率为37.6%;阳性标本中混合感染占12.0%.其中甲型流感病毒和鼻病毒检出率最高(45.0%和16.7%).中青年组感染率显著高于中老年组(73.8%比31.9%,P<0.001).春夏秋冬四季呼吸道病毒阳性检出率分别为25.0%、6.7%、20.0%、38.3%,差异无统计学意义(P=0.257).结论 疑似病毒性肺炎住院患者xTAG RVP检测的常见病原体为甲型流感病毒和鼻病毒,中青年患者感染率高于中老年患者。
Objective To analyze the testing results of hospitalized patients with suspected viral pneumonia using xTAG Respiratory Virus Panel Array (xTAG RVP).Methods 133 hospitalized patients with suspected viral pneumonia from Peking Union Medical College Hospital from January 2013 to December 2014 were divided into two groups,including 42 young and middle-aged patients (17-49 years old) and 91 middle and old-aged patients (50-88 years old).The nucleic acids of sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples from the two group patients were screened by xTAG RVP and the results were analyzed.Results Viruses can be detected from 50 out of all 133 samples,and the positive rate was 37.6%.Among the viral positive samples,the proportion of mixed infections was 12.0%.The detection rates of Influenza A virus (FluA) and Rhinovirus (RV) were higher than others (45.0% and 16.7%).The infection rate of young and middle-aged patients was significantly higher than that of the middle and oldaged patients (73.8% vs 31.9%,P 〈0.001).The viral detection rates of samples from spring,summer,autumn and winter were 25.0%,6.7%,20.0% and 38.3%,respectively.The positive rate difference among four seasons was not significant (P =0.257).Conclusion FluA and RV are dominant respiratory viruses in hospitalized patients with suspected viral pneumonia,and the infection rate of the young and middle-aged patients is higher than the middle and old-aged patients.
National Medical Journal of China