

摘要 打从第一天认识张先生开始,已能感受到他对华人数学教育的热忱.当时(1992年),ICME会议在魁北克市举行,某日晚上组织了一个华人学者的聚会(这个聚会一直延伸至每个ICME会议,甚至扩大为论坛,后期多为良火兄组织.2014更在北京举办首届华人数学教育会议),在会上,他便已探讨中国数学教育的特色.翌年,我系(香港中文大学课程与教学学系)举办了首个课程发展的研讨会,笔者邀请了张先生参加,发表了题为华人地区数学教育的成功与不足的论文[1](惜先生当时因签证问题未能亲临).
作者 黄毅英
出处 《数学教学》 2015年第7期F0002-F0002,1,2,共3页
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  • 2Wong N Y. The Chinese learner, the Japanese learner, the Asian learner- inspiration for the (mathematics) learner [J]. Scientiae MathematicaeJaponicae, 2013, 76(2): 376-384.
  • 3Leung F K S. The traditional Chinese views on mathematics and education: Impli- cations for mathematics education in the new millennium. Plenary lecture [C]//In ParkHS, ChoeYH, ShinH, Kim S H. Proceedings of the ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematical Education (Vol 1). Seoul: Ko- rean Sub-Commission of ICMI; Korean Soci- ety of Mathematical Education; Korea Na- tional University of Education, 1998: 69-76.
  • 4Wong N Y. In search of the "CHC" learner: Smarter, works harder or something- more? Plenary lecture IC]//In ParkHS, ChoeYH, ShinH, Kim S H. Proceedings of the ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematical Education (Voll). Seouh Ko- rean Sub-Commission of ICMI; Korean So- ciety of Mathematical Education; Korea Na- tional University of Education, 1998: 85-98.
  • 5Zhang D. Some characteristics of mathematics education in East Asia: An overview from China. Plenary lecture [C]//In ParkHS, ChoeYH, ShinH, Kim S H. Proceed- ings of the ICMI-East Asia Regional Con- ference on Mathematical Education (Voll). Seoul: Korean Sub-Commission of ICMI; Ko- rean Society of Mathematical Education; Ko- rea National University of Education, 1998: 49-59.
  • 6Watkins D A, Biggs J B. The Chi- nese learner: Cultural, psychological and con- textual influences [M]. Hong Kong: Compara- rive Education Research Centre, The Univer- sity of Hong Kong; Victoria, Australia: The Australian Council for Educational Research, 1996.
  • 7Watkins D A, Biggs J B. Teaching the Chinese learner: Psychological and pedagog- ical perspectives [M]. Hong Kong: Compara- tive Education Research Centre, The Univer- sity of Hong Kong, 2001.








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