
基于新型乙酰胆碱酯酶传感器的有机磷农药检测 被引量:3

Detection of organophosphorus pesticide based on novel acetylcholinesterase biosensor
摘要 制备了空心碳球—离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑磷钨酸盐(HCS-[Bmim]3PW12O40)修饰玻碳(GC)电极,采用交联法将乙酰胆碱酯酶(ACh E)固定在修饰电极表面,获得ACh E/HCS-[Bmim]3PW12O40/GC传感器。在最优条件下,用该传感器对有机磷农药久效磷、克百威标准品分别进行检测,久效磷的线性范围为8.00×10^-10~8.00×10^-6g/L,克百威的线性范围是1.00×10^-10~1.00×10^-7g/L。按抑制率10%计算,久效磷和克百威的检出限分别为7.58×10-11g/L和6.76×10-11g/L。所制备的ACh E/HCS-[Bmim]3PW12O40/GC传感器灵敏度高和稳定性好,为有机磷农药的分析提供了一种有前景的工具。 Hollow carbon spheres - ionic liquid 1 - butyl -3 - methyl imidazole phosphotungstate ( HCS - [ Bmim] 3PW12040 ) was prepared to modify glassy carbon (GC) electrode. Acetylcholinesterase (ACHE) was immobilized on the electrode surface by cross -linking reaction to obtain AChE/HCS - [ Bmim] 3PWI2040/GC sensor. Under the optimal condition, the organophosphorus pesticides, monocro- tophos and carbofuran, were detected by the biosensor. The linear range of monocrotophos was 8.00 ×10^-10 -8.00 ×10^-6 g/L, and that of earbofuran 1.00 ×10^-10 - 1.00 ×10^-7 g/L, with the detection limits of 7.58 ×10^-11 g/L and 6.76 ×10^-11 g/L, respectively, calculated by inhibition rate 10%. The biosensor exhibited high sensitivity and acceptable stability, and could be a promising tool for analysis of organophosphorus pesticides.
出处 《粮油食品科技》 2015年第5期77-81,共5页 Science and Technology of Cereals,Oils and Foods
基金 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师项目资助(2013GGJS-073) 河南省教育厅项目(14B550014) 河南省产学研合作项目(142107000023)
关键词 空心碳球—离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑磷钨酸盐 玻碳电极 乙酰胆碱酯酶 氯化乙酰胆碱 久效磷 克百威 hollow carbon spheres - ionic liquid 1 - butyl- 3 - methyl imidazole phosphotungstate glassy carbon electrode acetylcholinesterase acetylthiocholine chloride monocrotophos carbofuran
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