
The choline pathway as a strategy to promote central nervous system(CNS) remyelination

The choline pathway as a strategy to promote central nervous system(CNS) remyelination
摘要 Multiple sclerosis is a chronic companied by demyelination inflammatory disease that is ac- and axonal damage resulting in neurological deficits. Remyelination is the natural endogenous repair mechanism of demyelinated axons and it is supposed to protect axons/neurons from degeneration and thus the patient from progressive disability (Franklin and Ffrench-Constant, 2008). Current therapeutics for patients with multiple sclerosis are to some extent very effective in inhibiting neuroinflamma- tion and demyelination. However, to date there are no substanc- es available that can enhance remyelination. Remyelination is the result of recruitment/proliferation of new oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) and differentiation into mature myelin producing oligodendrocytes (Franklin and Ffrench-Constant, 2008). These processes are supported by many factors and signals and failure at any stage might lead to repair failure. Strategies to enhance myelin repair are either the promotion of endogenous repair mechanisms via modulation of OPC prolif- eration and oligodendrocyte differentiation or the transplantion of myelinating cells into lesions. Due to the multiloculated pro- cess in multiple sclerosis and the ethical problems with the cell source, the latter is less favoured. The endogenous promotion of remvelination could be achieved by several approaches such as: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic companied by demyelination inflammatory disease that is ac- and axonal damage resulting in neurological deficits. Remyelination is the natural endogenous repair mechanism of demyelinated axons and it is supposed to protect axons/neurons from degeneration and thus the patient from progressive disability (Franklin and Ffrench-Constant, 2008). Current therapeutics for patients with multiple sclerosis are to some extent very effective in inhibiting neuroinflamma- tion and demyelination. However, to date there are no substanc- es available that can enhance remyelination. Remyelination is the result of recruitment/proliferation of new oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) and differentiation into mature myelin producing oligodendrocytes (Franklin and Ffrench-Constant, 2008). These processes are supported by many factors and signals and failure at any stage might lead to repair failure. Strategies to enhance myelin repair are either the promotion of endogenous repair mechanisms via modulation of OPC prolif- eration and oligodendrocyte differentiation or the transplantion of myelinating cells into lesions. Due to the multiloculated pro- cess in multiple sclerosis and the ethical problems with the cell source, the latter is less favoured. The endogenous promotion of remvelination could be achieved by several approaches such as:
出处 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第9期1369-1370,共2页 中国神经再生研究(英文版)
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