
麻疹病毒属疫苗研究进展 被引量:3

Recent advances in the development of morbillivirus vaccines
摘要 在人类历史上,麻疹病毒属对人类和动物的影响有据可查。确实,在这些疾病的疫苗出现之前,麻疹病毒在人类和家畜之间传播,而这些家畜与人类赖以为食和获取劳动力有关。麻疹病毒每年造成几百万人死亡,即使幸免于难也经常面临饿死的命运,因为人们赖以为食的家畜会因感染牛瘟病毒或者小反刍兽疫病毒而死亡。犬瘟热病毒已经影响犬种群长达几个世纪,并且在过去的几十年里跨越物种,在非犬科种属间引起疾病,导致个别物种濒临灭绝。牛瘟疫苗和麻疹疫苗的研制和成功应用开创了消灭病毒的先例,并使麻疹得到良好控制。小反刍兽疫和犬瘟热疫苗已经研制成功,但是,这些疾病对易感动动物仍然构成极大威胁。在此,作者对现有的疫苗进行评价并对新型下一代疫苗的开发前景展开讨论。 The impact of morbilliviruses on both human and animal populations is well documented throughout mankind's history.Indeed,prior to the development of vaccines for these diseases,morbilliviruses plagued both humans and the livestock that they relied upon for food and work.The measles virus(MeV)was responsible for the annual deaths of millions of people worldwide,and those fortunate enough to avoid the disease often faced starvation since their livestock had died from infection with the rinderpest virus(RPV)or the peste des petits ruminants virus(PPRV).The canine distemper virus has affected dog populations for centuries and appears to have jumped species over the past few decades as it causes disease in a number of non-canid species,some of which have been pushed to the brink of extinction.During this age of vaccination,the introduction and successful use of vaccines against rinderpest and measles has led to the eradication of the former and greater control of the latter.Vaccines against PPR and canine distemper have also been generated,but the diseases still pose a threat to susceptible species.This article reviews the current vaccines against these four morbilliviruses and it discusses the prospects for the development of a new generation of vaccines.
出处 《中国病原生物学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期763-767,共5页 Journal of Pathogen Biology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.31402173) 聊城大学博士启动基金(No.318051416)
关键词 麻疹病毒属 疫苗 麻疹 犬瘟热 小反刍兽疫 牛瘟 综述 Morbillivirus vaccines measles canine distemper peste des petits ruminants rinderpest review
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