

Application of PROTEM-CM in the advanced detection
摘要 为了防止掘进巷道发生突水事故灾害,利用瞬变电磁技术对巷道进行超前探测工作。通过该仪器对巷道迎头多角度探测,结合实际的地质情况对异常区进行解释,经实际巷道揭露,探测成果推断断层与其实际掘进相吻合,说明该仪器在井下复杂工作环境具有很好的推广前景。 In order to prevent the occurrence of laneway water inrush disaster, the use of transient electromagnetic techniques were ahead before tunneling work for exploration.With this instrument the roadway head angles detection, use the underground tunnel leading professional software processing probe, combined with the actual situation of geological anomalies interpreted, the actual roadway revealed the results of inferred fault detection match their actual excavation, indicating that the instrument in the mine complex work environment with good promotion prospects.
出处 《山东煤炭科技》 2015年第10期143-144,147,共3页 Shandong Coal Science and Technology
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(201337181 10004) 青岛经济技术开发区重点科技发展计划项目(2013-1-62) 山东科技大学科研创新团队支持计划资助(2012KYTD101)
关键词 PROTEM CM 巷道超前探 数据处理 资料解释 PROTEM CM advanced detection of roadway data processing data interpretation
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