

Construction of prevention strategies bundle of DVT for hospitalized patients
摘要 目的建立一套科学、客观、全面的住院患者深静脉血栓预防策略,找出适合目前我国国情的深静脉血栓的预防方法。方法2013年12月~2014年3月,对循证形成的预防策略采用Delphi法对其重要性、可操作性进行评价。结果两轮函询的有效回收率分别是86.67%和100.00%;权威系数为0.818和0.835:得出的各预防策略均值均〉4,变异系数〈0_3;两轮协调系数W0.144~0.303。最终构建了包含评估、干预、管理三部分内容的22项预防策略的住院患者深静脉血栓预防策略。结论构建的住院患者深静脉血栓预防策略,为临床有效的预防及质量控制提供依据。 Objective To establish a scientific; objective and comprehensive prevention strategies bundle of deep vein thrombosis for hospitalized patients, finding out the suitable deep vein thrombosis prevention strategies for our country. Methods From December 2013 to March 2014, the importance and operability of the evidence-based formation of pre- vention strategies were evaluated by Delphi. Results The effective recoveries rates of the two rounds consultation were 86.67% and 100.00%; the authority coefficient was 0.818 and 0.835; the mean of the prevention strategies was over 4, the coefficients of variation were 〈0.3; and the harmonization coefficient W were O. 144-0.303. The prevention strategies bundle of deep vein thrombosis for hospitalized patients were composed of 22 items of strategies from 3 domains in- cluding assessment, intervention and management. Conclusion A set of prevention strategies bundle of deep vein thrombosis for hospitalized patients were established to provide basis for clinical prevention and quality control.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2015年第28期135-138,共4页 China Modern Doctor
基金 浙江省卫生厅研究基金资助项目(2011kyb031)
关键词 深静脉血栓 德尔菲法 预防策略 评价 Deep vein thrombosis Delphi Prevention strategies Evaluation
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