
论20世纪初美国“满洲开发计划”的余波——以司戴德全美对外贸易委员会成立演说为研究视角 被引量:2

Repercussion of American“Manchurian Development Plan”in the View of W.Straight Speech on Ritual of American National Foreign Trade Council Foundation
摘要 美国退出六国银团宣告了"金元外交"政策的彻底破产,但司戴德作为当时美国远东政策在中国东北的实际执行者,回国后仍奔走于民间商业团体、文化教育机构,甚至一些特殊职能部门,在很多场合公开为美国"满洲开发计划"鼓唇振舌,怂恿美国银行家投资中国东北。其中以他作为美国亚洲协会主席身份参加全美对外贸易委员会成立仪式上的题为《对外贸易与对外借款》的演说最具代表性,该演说论述了对外贸易与对外借款的分类及方式,20世纪初美国发展外对外贸易与对外借款的紧迫性、合理性及可行性,美国对外贸易与对外借款成功的保证及投资的最佳对象等问题,真实地体现了司戴德试图重拾"满洲开发计划",力主美国发展对华贸易,强势进军远东的愿望。 Since American withdrawn from Six Consortium,it announced the end of"Dollar Policy".But W.Straight as practical executant of American Far East Policy in North East China,he continued to persuade companies,educational organization,and even special government apartment when he came back to America.Meanwhile,he made speech to appealing for American "Manchurian Development Plan",and encourage American bankers to invest Northeast China.The speech he made as Chairmen of American Asiatic Association on the ritual of foundation of National Foreign Trade Council"Foreign Trade and Foreign Loans",is the most representative of his enthusiasm.In the speech,he stated the classified and developed foreign trade and foreign loans.The speech embodied the determination of W.Straight to insist on his wishes of the investment of America on China and development on Northeast China.
作者 梁大伟
出处 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期129-134,共6页 Journal of Northeast Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社科基金一般项目(14BSS038) 黑龙江省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目(12532103)
关键词 美国 远东政策 满洲开发计划 司戴德 The United State Far-East Policy Manchurian Development Plan Willard Straight
  • 相关文献


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