

Study on Solar Photocatalytic Oxidation of Arsenite by Loaded Mn/TiO_2
摘要 通过溶胶凝胶法制备了泡沫镍负载Mn/Ti O2催化剂,并将其应用于太阳光氧化三价砷的研究,考察了Mn/Ti O2的摩尔比、Ti O2负载次数、溶液p H值及菲涅尔透镜的使用对氧化三价砷速度的影响。实验结果表明,Mn/Ti O2的最佳摩尔比为1%,4 h后三价砷完全氧化为五价砷;Ti O2最佳的负载次数为2次;当溶液p H值为9时,催化剂催化氧化三价砷的速度最快,3 h三价砷完全氧化为五价砷;菲涅尔透镜的使用,显著地缩短催化剂氧化三价砷的时间;吸附剂-催化剂联用后,溶液体积20 L、三价砷质量浓度为100μg/L时,3.5 h后能将溶液中的砷全部去除。 Mn/TiO2 catalyst is successfully prepared on foam nickel substrates by sol -gel technique and applied in the study on solar photocatalytic oxidation of arsenite .The effects of molar ratio of Mn/TiO2 ,coating cycles of TiO2 ,solution pH ,and use of the Fresnel lens on the oxidation rate of As(Ⅲ) are investigated .It is shown that the optimum molar ratio of Mn/TiO2 is 1% and then the arsenite is completely oxidized to arsenate after 4 hours;the optimum coating cycles of TiO2 is two ;when the solution pH is 9 ,the oxidation rate of arsenite is fastest and the arsenite is completely oxidized to arsenate after 3 hours;the oxidation time of arsenite is significantly shortened when the Fresnel lens is used;by combined use of pho-tocatalyst and adsorbent ,the arsenic is completely removed after 3 .5 hours when the volume of solution is 20 liters and the arsenite concentration is 100μg/L .
出处 《工业安全与环保》 北大核心 2015年第9期5-8,共4页 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection
基金 国家自然科学基金(20803014) 广东工业大学创新训练项目(1184512052)
关键词 三价砷 Mn/TiO2 太阳光 光催化 arsenite solar photocatalytic
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