
城市轨道交通高架线噪声实测及传播规律研究 被引量:4

Study on Measurement and Patterns of Propagation of Elevated Line Noise in Urban Rail Transit
摘要 文章对宁波轨道交通1号线一期高架线进行噪声实测分析,结果表明:无声屏障时,一次噪声源S0处全频段(1~16000Hz)A声压级,梯形轨枕相对普通整体道床增大4.9dB,道床垫浮置式整体道床相对于普通整体道床增加0.2dB;有声屏障时,二次结构噪声源SH0处12.5~250Hz频段A声压级,梯形轨枕相对于普通整体道床降低3.6dB,道床垫浮置式整体道床相对于普通整体道床降低4.0dB;二次结构噪声源SH0处声屏障的降噪效果可达15.1~19.4dB。 The paper makes an introduction on the noise measurements and analysis on the 3 different elevated tracks of ladder type sleeper, roadbed floating slab track and typical type slab track works of phase 1 on the Ningbo Metro Line 1. The results show that when there is no sound barrier, the whole band frequency of 1 ~16000 Hz is at the level A at the location of 7.5 m from the center of the outer rail and 1.5 m away above the rail surface. Compared with the ordinary slab track, the noise of the ladder sleeper type is increased by 4.9 dB, and the noise of the track slab with roadbed floating is increased by 0.2 dB. When there is a sound barrier, at the location of 0.3 m below the bridge bottom, it is at the level A of the band frequent of 12.5 - 250 Hz. Compared with ordinary monolithic roadbed, the noise of the ladder sleeper is reduced by 3.6 dB. Compared with ordinary monolithic roadbed bed, the noise of the roadbed floating monolithic track is reduced by 4 dB. With the comparison of the same conditions of without sound barrier and with sound barrier, the noise control effect and noise reduction frequency by sound barriers are obtained.
出处 《现代城市轨道交通》 2015年第5期40-44,共5页 Modern Urban Transit
关键词 高架线 噪声 传播规律 研究 elevated track, structure noise, propagation pattern, study
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