

Investment environment evaluation on resources cities: taking Huangshi as example
摘要 对资源型城市黄石投资环境评估发现:冷热因素分析法评估结果为中等偏上,罗氏等级尺度评分法评估结果比及格水平略高,闵氏多因素分析法评估结果中等。三种方法得到的结论比较一致:黄石市投资环境为中等偏上。黄石市投资环境存在的问题主要有招商引资标准不合理、政策过多过滥,政府效率有待提高、诚信缺失,税收名目繁多、税负重。为改善黄石市投资环境,建议制定可执行性政策体系、建立绩效考核制度和投诉申诉制度,提升政府公信力与服务意识,打造诚信政府,为企业减负、提升企业竞争力。 Debase on systematic and objective law, It is necessary to evaluation on investment environment of HuangShi, which is an resources exhausted cides in China. Evaluating in 3 ways, such as cold - hot factor, Robort's classic and Min's factor analysis, a conc]naion is founded that HuangShi 's investment environment is a little hatter than the middle of degree, Several factor contribute to the worse of Huangshi~ investment environment, first of all, local government, who shows an no loyal impression, lays the base, Secondly, taxes are unpopular for those Enterprises. Improving Huangshi's investment envi- ronment, Huangshi's government should posed a series of systematic polices, aim to enhance government~ severs and entev- prise;s contact power.
出处 《湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第5期58-65,共8页 Journal of Hubei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Science)
基金 湖北省社会科学基金项目"十二五"规划资助课题(2013163) 2014年度湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目(14G311) 黄石市统计学会2013年度科研项目阶段性研究成果
关键词 资源型城市 黄石 投资环境 投资环境评估 resources cities,Huaugshi investment environment investment environment evaluation
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