
基于数据挖掘探析古、现代针灸治疗亚健康状态的相关病症用穴特点 被引量:22

Characteristics of acupoint application for the sub-healthy condition treated with ancient and modern acupuncture based on data mining exploration
摘要 检索古代和现代文献中针灸治疗亚健康状态的取穴,分析腧穴使用规律,为临床制定亚健康的针灸处方提供一定的参考。古代文献检索以"中国基本古籍数据库"为主,现代文献检索范围为Cochrane Library、Medline、PubMed、Ovid循证医学数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、维普期刊全文数据库、万方数据资源系统。运用数据挖掘软件,对古代和现代的针灸治疗亚健康状态的配穴进行规律探索,分析腧穴使用频率、关联规则配伍、经络使用规律及特定穴使用规律。发现古代治疗亚健康针灸取穴位于前5位的为神门、照海、太白、大陵、太溪;最常见腧穴配伍为章门、太白与照海;使用最多的经络为足太阳膀胱经、足少阴肾经和足厥阴肝经;最常使用的特定穴为五输穴;最常选用的腧穴部位为下肢部。现代针灸治疗亚健康最常使用的前5个腧穴为足三里、三阴交、百会、肾俞、关元;最常见配伍为合谷、太冲;最常使用的经络为足太阳膀胱经、任脉和督脉;最常使用的特定穴为背俞穴;最常选用的腧穴多位于下肢部。综合分析古代和现代相关文献,循经取穴以足太阳膀胱经使用频次最高,特定穴较多使用背俞穴、五输穴、募穴,选穴部位多选用下肢部腧穴。 The acupoint selection was retrieved from the ancient and modern literature on the treatment of subhealthy condition with acupuncture.The law of acupoint application was analyzed so as to provide a certain reference to the determination of acupoint prescription in clinical acupuncture.The ancient literature was retrieved from Chinese basic ancient literature database.The modern literature was retrieved from Cochrane Library,Medline,PubMed,Ovid evidence-based medicine database,Chinese biomedical literature database,China journal fulltext database,VIP journal full-text database and Wanfang database.The database mining software was adopted to explore the law of acupoint application in treatment of sub-healthy conditions with ancient and modern acupuncture.The acupoint use frequency,compatibility association rule,law for meridian use and the use regularity of specific points were analyzed.In the ancient treatment for sub-healthy condition,the top five commonly used acupoints are Shenmen(HT 7),Zhaohai(KI 6),Taibai(SP 3),Daling(PC 7)and Taixi(KI 3).The most commonly combined points are Zhangmen(LR 13),Taibai(SP 3)and Zhaohai(KI 6).The most commonly used meridians are the bladder meridian of foot-taiyang,kidney meridian of foot-shaoyinand liver meridian of foot-jueyin.The most commonly used specific points are the five-shupoints.The most commonly used acupoints are located in the lower limbs.In the modern treatment,the top five commonly used acupoints are Zusanli(ST 36),Sanyinjiao(SP 6),Baihui(GV 20),Shenshu(BL 23)and Guanyuan(CV 4).The most commonly supplemented points are Hegu(LI 4)and Taichong(LR 3).The most commonly used meridians are the bladder meridian of foot-taiyang,the conception vessel and the governor vessel.The most commonly used specific points are the back-shu points.The most commonly used acupoints are located in the lower limbs.After the systematic comprehension of the relevant ancient and modern literature,the most commonly used acupoints are selected along the bladder meridian of foottaiyang,and the most commonly used specific points are the back-shupoints,the five-shupoints and the front-mu points.The acupoints are mostly located in the lower limbs.
出处 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1073-1079,共7页 Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
基金 四川省科技支撑计划项目:2010FZ0081
关键词 亚健康 腧穴运用 数据挖掘 关联规则 sub-health acupoint application data mining association rule
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