
“三亲”体外受精技术治疗线粒体疾病的反思 被引量:2

Reflection on In Vitro Fertilization Technology of “Three-parent Embryos”for Mitochondrial Diseases
摘要 线粒体疾病是一种不同寻常的遗传疾病,"三亲"体外受精技术作为一项新的辅助生殖技术,可能会使女性避免将线粒体疾病遗传给后代,但其争议不断,对此做一些科学及伦理方面的阐述及反思。对其必要性、安全性、有效性、以及合伦理性作了讨论,进而对该项技术的应用可能带来的风险提出担忧,基于目前的现状,对该项技术应该采取保守态度。 Mitochondrial disease is an unusual genetic disease .The in vitro fertilization technology of “three-parent embryos” as a new assisted reproductive technology , may help women to prevent their mitochondrial diseases passing on to their children , but it′s still controversial in many aspects .The article presents some scientific and ethical analysis and reflection on this technology .In terms of its necessity , safety, efficacy, and ethical were dis-cussed , and the application of the technology may bring the risk of concern is put forward , based on the present sit-uation of and attitude toward the technology should be taken to keep .
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2015年第5期679-682,共4页 Chinese Medical Ethics
关键词 三亲胚胎 辅助生殖 线粒体疾病 线粒体DNA 原核移植 孕母纺锤体移植 Three - parent Embryos Assisted Reproduction Mitochondrial Disease mtDNA PNT MST
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