
生、熟三七配伍规律与功效 被引量:3

Raw and Cooked Sanqi Compatibility Law and the Effectiveness of Play
摘要 生三七甘苦而温,能于血分化瘀滞,生新血,配丹参活血化瘀,通经止痛;配鸦胆子,化腐生肌,救肠中腐烂,为痢疾常用配伍;配大黄一热一寒,一通一涩,引邪下行,不止血而血自止;配白芷活血化瘀、消肿定痛;配白及镇痛、消肿、止血,促进溃疡面愈合,常用于治疗上消化道出血;配血竭散瘀止痛,止血生肌;配水蛭止血散瘀,消肿定痛,破血逐瘀,通利血脉。熟三七"生消熟补",与人参配伍化瘀而不伤正,补益而不壅滞,增强人体免疫力、益智健脑、保护心脏、抗衰老等;与黄芪配伍健脾益气,强健脾胃,固护正气,又能活血化瘀,止血消痛;与五味子配伍敛肺滋肾,生津敛汗,宁心安神。通过对生、熟三七两方面配伍应用比较,总结出生三七化瘀止血、消肿止痛力强,熟三七则偏补气补血,能提高机体免疫力,长于治疗虚损劳伤,气血不足之虚证。 Born Sanqi stand and warm,able to differentiate in the blood stasis,born of new blood,with Salvia blood circulation,pass through the pain;with Yadanzi,rot myogenic,save the gut rot,dysentery common compatibility;with Dahuang heat a eold,a pass a astringent,cited evil down,do not stop the bleeding and the blood is from;with Baizhi blood circulation,swelling and pain;with Baiji ,pain and swelling,bleeding,promote healing of ulcers,commonly used in the treatment gastrointestinal bleeding;with dragon's blood stasis pain,bleeding myogenic;with leeches bleeding stasis,swelling and pain,expelling blood stasis,tom Lee blood.Cooked seven"disappearance cooked up",and ginseng compatibility circulation without injury is,without replenishing Yongzhi,with enhanced immunity,brain puzzle,protect the heart, anti-aging;compatibility with astragalus spleen benefits gas,a strong stomach,solid protection righteousness,but also blood circulation,eliminate pain,stop bleeding;and schisandra compatibility convergence lung ney,Sheng Jin sweating,Anshen.Based on raw and cooked three hundred seventy-two application compatibility aspects compared summarize born thirty-seven stasis to stop bleeding, swelling and pain and strong,cooked thirty-seven partial Qi and blood,can improve immunity,longer treatment wasting injured workers,gas inadequate blood deficiency.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2015年第9期167-169,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 生三七 熟三七 活血化瘀 补气补血 丹参 鸦胆子 大黄 白芷 白及 血竭 水蛭 人参 黄芪 五味子 中医药治疗 raw Sanqi cooked Sanqi blood circulation Qi and blood Danshen Yadanzi Dahuang Baizhi Baiji Xuejie Shuizhi Renshen Huangqi Wuweizi traditional Chinese medicine
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