
《辛白林》中的旅行:两性、政治、民族冲突的表征 被引量:2

Journey in Cymbeline:The Representation of Sexual, Political and National Conflicts
摘要 莎士比亚的传奇剧《辛白林》中有大量的旅行,从行动情态来看,有主动旅行、被动旅行;从旅行的原因来看,有流放之旅、打赌之旅、爱情之旅、报复之旅、避难之旅、谈判之旅、战争之旅、赎罪之旅。从旅行所反映的本质来看,有两性之争、王位之争、民族之争;两性冲突、政治冲突和民族冲突导致了旅行,旅行又缓解了诸种矛盾。从主题来说,"旅行"拓展了思想的深度和广度;从戏剧功能来说,"旅行"这一行动元是该剧场景转换的内推力,它扩大了场面,丰富了戏剧冲突,构成了戏剧的循环结构。 There are many journeys in Shakespeare's romance Cymbeline. Some are active, and others are passive in modality. They include such journeys as exile, wager, love, revenge, refuge, negotiation, war and expiation. The essence of these journeys is a struggle, the struggle among genders, nations and over the throne. Journey is the result of sexual, political and national contradictions, and it eases all kinds of conflicts. In the theme of the play, "journey" expands the depth and width of thoughts. In terms of the dramatic function, the action of "journey" is a strong internal driving force that leads to new scenes and acts, sets grand scenery, intensifies the dramatic conflicts, and makes the plot into a circular structure.
作者 张薇
机构地区 上海大学文学院
出处 《戏剧艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期100-107,共8页 Theatre Arts
关键词 辛白林 旅行 性别冲突 政治冲突 民族冲突 Cymbeline journey gender conflict political conflict national conflict
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