
个体化时代的文化抉择和社会治理——以孔子为中心的分析 被引量:2

Individualized Era's Cultural Choice and Social Governance:An Analysis Centering on Confucius
摘要 个体化时代的社会治理是当前学术界研究的重点。先秦时期,个体觉醒从政治上层开始,"亲亲"、"尊尊"的礼乐原则遭到践踏,宗法制和分封制逐渐瓦解,周礼依据"天"确立的合法性原则面临危机。在"礼崩乐坏"的背景下,政治权力出现无序化的走向,诸侯间力斗争霸、统治上层的腐败堕落导致天下动荡不安,黎民颠沛流离。面对此种危局,孔子适时地提出"仁"作为评判一切社会规范的标准,重构礼乐规范,促使权力从无序走向有序,以此确立新型的社会治理模式。孔子将此重任寄托于新兴崛起的士人群体,希望士人完成从知识人到道德人的转变,自觉肩负道统,承担国家与社会治理的重任。在孔子看来,士人道德治理主要包括三个层面:其一,确立以仁德为根基的天道作为政治权力的合法性原则;其二,促使政府权力走向理性化;其三,通过孝悌之道的推行重建民间社会秩序。孔子期望通过士人的道德治理模式最终实现国家与社会的有序运行。 Individualized era's social governance is the focus of current academic research. In the pre-Qin period, individual awakening started from political elites, and trampled over the ritual principle that advocated association with those that were closely related and honoring those who were honored. The patriarchal clan system and feudal system gradually collapsed. The legality of Zhou' s ritual that was based on the concept of the "Heaven" was faced with crisis. Against the background of the ritual system' s disintegration, the political power was disoriented. The incessant fights be- tween the dukes and princes and the corruption of the governing class led to the upheaval of the society and the suffering of the homeless. Against such a backdrop, Confucius promptly claimed that benevolence was the criterion to evaluate all social disciplines. He reconstructed social ritual, restored the disoriented power back to order, and formed accordingly a new model of social governance. Confucius assigned this great mission to the newly emerged class of scholars, hoping that they would transform themselves from people who espoused knowledge to people who advocated morality. He hoped that they would voluntarily take upon themselves the mission to govern the society and the country with morality. Confucius believed that there were three perspectives in scholars' governance: first, to establish the way of heaven which is based on benevolence as the legitimacy of the government; second, to rationalize the power of the government; third, to reestablish social order through the implementation of filial and fraternal duties. Confucius hoped that the state and the society could ultimately resumed their order with the help of scholars' moral governance.
作者 宣朝庆 陈强
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期19-26,共8页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费重大项目培育计划(NKZXZD1406)
关键词 个体化社会 道德治理 孔子 士人 Individualized Society Moral Governance Confucius Benevolence Scholars
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