湖南某地怀俄明型(Wyoming)人工钠基膨润土和安徽某地切托型(Cheto)人工钠基膨润土在实验室和涟钢竖炉中进行对比试验。两种膨润土试验结果表明:湖南怀俄明型膨润土的冶金球团指标和造球试验指标都明显优于安徽切托型膨润土。竖炉工艺生产试验结果表明:用湖南怀俄明型膨润土比用安徽切托型膨润土配比降低了1.6%,成品球铁品位提高了1.04%,Si O2降低了0.44%。
Hunan somewhere Wyoming type artificial sodium bentonite and Anhui somewhere Cheto type artificial sodium bentonite comparative tests in the laboratory and Liangang shaft furnace. Laboratory results showed that two kinds of bentonite metallurgical pellet indicators and pelletizing test indicators Hunan Wyoming bentonite are significantly better than Anhui Cheto type bentonite. In the shaft furnace process to produce test results show that compared with Anhui Cheto bentonite, Hunan Wyoming bentonite ratio decreased by 1.6%, pellets iron grade improved 1.04%, SiO2 decreased 0.44%.
China Non-Metallic Minerals industry