人类不仅能发明自动驾驶,更要能全面认识和把握自动驾驶,趋利避害,防患于未然,使这一改变人类生活和劳动方式的重大发明不致祸患百姓,而成为布撒福音的天使。自动驾驶令人向往,《变形金刚》电影中以擎天柱(Optimus Prime)为代表的汽车人寄寓了人们对自动驾驶的美好愿望。在开放的道路上实现自动驾驶比起在封闭空间里实现生产或生活自动化来,难度要大得多。尽管是高难度的自动化,早在20世纪初叶,工业界就迈出了探索自动驾驶的第一步。
Automatic drive is so amazing to human being, and the Optimus Prime, the hero of blockbuster 'Transformer' and leader of autobots, had arouse people's imagination and desire for auto drive capability. In the early 20 th century, the auto industry had begun exploration of the technology of auto-drive, and been continuing to work on it till today. However, Thomas Weber of Daimler who was responsible for R & D of the company once expressed that it has to take a few decades to make auto-drive realized. In today's view, auto-drive will be realized in a shorter time than original thought.
Commercial Vehicle