
汉武帝“广关”措置与西汉地缘政策的变化——以长安、洛阳之间地域结构为视角 被引量:3

“Expanding the Pass”Policy and the Change in Geopolitical Strategy in the Western Han Dynasty——From the Perspective of the Regional Space between Chang'an and Luoyang
摘要 西汉王朝奉行以关中为根本的地缘战略,籍以内控诸侯,外御匈奴。高帝时重在控内,并以洛阳作为控御关东诸侯的重镇;武帝时重在御外,而对关东诸侯的统治由军事镇绥为主转向政治控制为主,洛阳在地缘战略中的重要性也相应下降。出于适应地缘战略转变的需要,汉武帝对长安、洛阳之间的地域结构进行了调整:东徙函谷关,旨在将整个崤函山区括入关内,以加强对洛阳的控制,防备关东有变,异己势力袭据洛阳以威胁关中;设置弘农郡,旨在构建以弘农、新安、宜阳为节点的防御体系,并加强对崤函道和武关道的控制,以弥补函谷关东迁后带来的关中防卫疏漏,达成控制洛阳和防卫关中的双重目的。 The geopolitical strategy to deploy Guanzhong Area as its base by the Western Han government took the dual roles of controlling the feudal lords and defending the nation against the Huns. In the reign of Emperor Gaodi, the rulers were mainly concerned with the threat from the feu- dal lords in the east, so they made Luoyang the military base to exert their control over Guandong Ar- ea. Then in the reign of Emperor Wudi, the government shifted its concern to the wars against the Huns. The policy towards the feudal lords turned from military suppress to political control. Accord- ingly the status of Luoyang changed. To meet the changed geopolitical purposes, Emperor Wudi made some rearrangements of the regional space between Chang' an and Luoyang, which mainly included the eastward positioning of Hanguguan Pass (函谷关) and the establishment of Hongnong Prefecture (经农郡). The purpose of moving the site of Hanguguan Pass eastwards was to expand the defense to include the whole Xiao--Han Area (崤函山区) to further strengthen the government' s control over Luoyang in case those hostile forces in the Guandong Area might threaten Guanzhong Area by taking advantage of Luoyang. The establishment of Hongnong Prefecture was to form a new defense system around Hongnong County, Xin' an County and Yiyang County and meanwhile to enhance the control over Xiao--Han district and Wuguan district, which was to make up for the defensive defect of mov- ing Hanguguan Pass eastwards and which was to have stronger control over Luoyang and better pro- tection for the Guanzhong Area.
作者 胡方
出处 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期40-46,共7页 Journal of Chinese Historical Geography
关键词 函谷关 弘农郡 洛阳 关中 地缘战略 Hanguguan Pass Hongnong Prefecture Luoyang Guanzhong Area Geopolitical Strategy
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