
串联式磨盘螺杆挤出机混炼段相似放大理论 被引量:1

Scale-up Theory for Mixing Section of Series Disc-Screw Extruder
摘要 基于串联式磨盘螺杆挤出机系列产品研发的经验体会,以混合相似放大准则为依据,分别以CPJ30/70和CPJ90/150串联式磨盘螺杆挤出机作为基准机型和目标机型,通过选择能够影响聚合物混合效果的参数来提出混炼段相似放大设计理论模型。并借助Polyflow软件进行数值模拟,分析放大前后混炼段的流场特征和混合指标,来验证提出的相似放大设计模型的可行性。 Based on the experience of the series disc-screw extruder product research and the scale-up theory about mixing similarity criterion, the theoretical model had been given by using CPJ30/70 and cPJg0/150 series disc-screw extruder as the base model and target model respectively. Moreover, the characteristic of flow field and mixing index had been analyzed by FEM (finite element method)to verify the feasibility of theoretical model.
出处 《塑料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期80-83,93,共5页 Plastics
关键词 串联式磨盘螺杆挤出机 相似放大 混合相似准则 有限元分析 POLYFLOW series disc-screw extruder scale-up mixing similarity criterion FEM Polyfiow
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