
海军医院船执行海上防卫任务血液保障模式探讨 被引量:5

Study on the secure blood supply mode on the naval hospital ship in mission duties of maritime defense
摘要 目的探讨医院船执行海上防卫任务血液保障模式,为搭建战创伤救治血液保障平台提供理论参考。方法通过对医院船近几年在重大任务中血液保障方面反映出的问题进行分析,结合医院船血液保障现状,参考卫勤专家血液保障理论,借鉴外军医院船血液保障经验,提出我军医院船血液保障模式。结果医院船在执行海上防卫任务时应采用血液携行与应急采供血相结合的血液保障模式,在血液储备方面,近海任务时应以液态血为主要储备,远海任务时应以固态血为主要储备。结论医院船建立以实物储备为基础储备,以"流动血库"为应急补充的血液保障模式,可为海上防卫任务中的战创伤输血救治提供理想平台。 Objective To explore the secure blood supply mode during maritime defense missions on the naval hospital ship, so as to provide a theoretical reference for establishing a secure blood supply platform for trauma during maritime defense missions. Methods The blood security modes were established based on previous challenges on securing blood supply during missions on navy hospital ships. Combining the blood supply mechanism in navy hospital ship, and references from the blood supply theory of medical experts and experiences on blood security from foreign military hospital ships. Results The secure blood supply modes with adequate blood transport and emergency blood management should be adopted during maritime defense missions on navy hospital ships. Liquid blood constituted the main reserve for inshore defense mission, but in far seas defense mission, frozen red blood constituted the main reserve. Conclusion The secure blood supply modes were established on the basis of physical reserves as basic reserve and the "mobile blood banks" for emergency replenishment on the hospital ship, which could provide an ideal platform for the treatment of trauma during maritime defense missions.
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第9期1067-1069,共3页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
基金 "十二五"军队重点课题(BHJ11C005)
关键词 医院船 卫勤保障 海上防卫任务 血液保障模式 hospital ship medical service maritime defense missions secure blood supply mode
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