研究了从酸性加压浸出液中采用溶剂萃取法提取镍钴工艺,考察了溶液p H值、相比、混合时间等对镍钴及其他金属离子萃取的影响。试验结果表明:在有机相组成为15%P204+75%磺化煤油+10%TBP,水相p H值为1.62.5,皂化率为65%,相比C(O/A)=21,恒温振荡箱中振荡10 min条件下,镍、钴的萃取率可达到98%以上;负载有机相采用2.04.0 mol/L稀硫酸反萃,相比C(O/A)=21,一次反萃率为96%以上。试验结果表明,采用P204溶剂萃取法可有效净化酸浸液回收镍钴。
The technology of extracting nickel and cobalt from acid pressure leaching solution adopting solvent extraction method was researched. The effects of the solution pH, phase ratio and extraction time on the extraction rate of Ni, Co and other metallic ion were investigated. The tests result showed that the extraction ratio of Ni and Co could reach above 98% at the condition of the organic phase containing 15% P204, 75%sulfonated kerosene and 10% tri-butyl-phosphate with O/A of 2∶1, saponification rate of 65%, aqueous pH of 1.6, and the mixing time of 10 min. When the load organic reagent was stripped with dilute sulphuric acid of 2.0 M, the stripping ratio of Ni and Co were more than 96% after one-stage stripping with O/A of 2∶1. The experiment results showed that the P204 solvent extraction method could purify effectively the leaching solution to separate nickel and cobalt from acid pressure leaching solution.
China Resources Comprehensive Utilization
nickel and cobalt leaching solution
solvent extraction